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News and Blog

  • Ischemic Stroke in the Elderly

    December 7, 2021

    An ischemic stroke is an urgent health condition that occurs when an artery supplying the brain with oxygenated blood becomes blocked, which suddenly stops or sharply decreases blood flow, which ultimately causes a brain infarction, or in layman’s terms, tissue death. Ischemic strokes account for 80% of all strokes.

  • Myths About Older Brains

    December 3, 2021

    Many people worry about losing mental faculties as they get older, and perhaps think there’s nothing they can do to prevent the inevitable development of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. It’s no wonder, our minds are, quite literally, who we are, and the idea of either forgetting huge parts of our lives, or becoming unable to form new memories are frightening prospects. But many of the preconceptions people have about older brains aren’t necessarily true, and there’s a whole litany of myths out there that can cause undue stress and mental anguish to people as they age. Read on to hear some of these common beliefs, and the reality that refutes them.

  • Finding Time to Exercise as a Caregiver

    November 30, 2021

    When your job or time revolves around caring for another, one of the things that’s easy to let fall by the wayside is your own personal well-being. Exercise is incredibly important for not only physical health, but mental as well. Follow these tips for how to better find time for yourself to keep yourself active, and healthy.

  • Arthritis and Joint Pain

    November 26, 2021

    Throughout the United States, over forty million people suffer from at least one of the over one hundred various types of arthritis. No matter the specific type of arthritis one might be afflicted with, they all share the common symptom of painful joint inflammation and stiffness. And while there is no cure for arthritis in many of its forms, there are always options for treatments and strategies, to lessen the severity of the symptoms, allowing a person suffering from the condition to return to a normal life and routine.

  • Varicose Veins and the Hidden Dangers

    November 23, 2021

    While many people with varicose veins are more concerned with the physical appearance of them on their legs. Because the veins are perceived as unattractive, they may not want to wear clothing that shows their legs. However, varicose veins can be more than an aesthetic issue, and can sometimes be more indicative of a more serious medical problem.

  • Shower Grab Bar Success

    November 19, 2021

    Bathroom safety is one of the most important things for an elderly person living in their home, as the multiple slippery surfaces and stepping required makes for a potentially dangerous situation. Falls are one of the biggest dangers to older adults, with many hospitalizations and deaths sadly caused by them every year. And for many seniors, injuries from a nasty fall can be the beginning of a physical decline that leads to a reduced quality of life and lifespan.

  • Convenient, Nutritious Foods for Seniors

    November 16, 2021

    Many seniors have difficulty eating enough, due to changing senses of taste and smell as they age, side effects of medications reducing hunger, difficulty chewing or swallowing, or any other number of reasons. One thing caregivers can do to combat malnutrition and make sure your loved one is eating enough is to keep plenty of small, nutritious, ready to eat snacks on hand.

  • Healthy Weight After 60

    November 12, 2021

    Most of us have heard the word obesity before, but may not be familiar with the actual definition, or what it means for us to actually have it applied to us. How does the condition of obesity affect a person’s life, and what can an older adult do about it to manage their weight and promote healthy living?

  • Senior Hoarding

    November 9, 2021

    Hoarding is an issue that has only recently come into public consciousness, mostly due to TV shows sensationalizing the lives and homes of those suffering from it. It is a real, and serious issue, and one that frequently affects aging people, making it a point of concern for those caring for their elderly relatives and loved ones. Not only does hoarding cause significant mental duress related to the possessions in the hoard, it poses a major health and safety risk as well.

  • More Seniors are Living to 100

    November 5, 2021

    While the idea of living to the age of 100 and beyond may seem like a faraway science fiction dream for many, with the majority of people measuring their lifespans in double digits, and the majority of those who do reach 100 or beyond becoming stories worth noting, the fact is that worldwide the number of centenarians, the term for people aged 100 to 110, is expected to increase sharply.

  • The Dangers of Elder Self Neglect

    November 2, 2021

    Seniors are unfortunately one of the most vulnerable segments of our population, frequently the victims of crimes, scams, or abuse. As a large portion of seniors suffer from either physical ailments or cognitive decline, their lack of ability to defend or advocate for themselves makes them an easy and tempting target to the unscrupulous.

  • Strategies to Reduce Cognitive Decline

    October 29, 2021

    While some amount of forgetfulness, memory loss, and trouble thinking is normal with aging, what isn’t normal is suffering from Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia. Less than 15% of the population aged 71 or older suffers from a degenerative dementia disorder, meaning that it’s certainly not guaranteed that you’ll get it as you get older.

  • Shorter Days and Seniors

    October 26, 2021

    As the fall season progresses along towards winter, one thing everyone surely notices is the sun rising later each day, and going down earlier each evening. Come November, it’s only going to get worse when Daylight Savings ends, making the sun set even earlier each day. For many of us, less light and more cold can have a debilitating effect on our daily lives, and our emotional and mental health. Our internal clocks are calibrated by exposure to sunlight, so for many of us shorter days are a disruption that can be hard to shake ourselves free of.

  • Avoiding Seasonal Flu

    October 22, 2021

    While many people look forward to Autumn for the many wonderful changes the season brings, there is one yearly visitor that there is no cause to be happy about. I’m talking about the return of the influenza virus for flu season. For younger adults and children, the flu is usually just a few days of unpleasantness, but for many seniors and older adults, it can be more serious. With complications such as pneumonia more likely, seniors account for as many as 85 percent of the deaths from influenza.

  • Improving Senior Nutrition

    October 19, 2021

    With many seniors suffering from malnourishment, whether due to cognitive decline, physical impairment, chronic illnesses, or a whole host of other issues, coming up with strategies to combat undernutrition in older adults, to ensure proper intake of calories, vitamins, and minerals is important. And like with anything else, keeping the strategies simple and easy to follow will give you the greatest chance of success.

  • How to Plan for Aging in Place

    October 15, 2021

    People are living longer than ever these days, which naturally means the amount of their lives they’ll need care will increase. An estimated 70 percent of older Americans will need care and assistance at some point in their twilight years. 9 out of 10 older Americans as well plan on staying in their home as long as possible, known as “aging in place”. This has become the ultimate retirement goal of the Boomer generation.

  • Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Stroke Risk

    October 12, 2021

    Strokes are the fifth largest killer of Americans today, with sadly over 800,000 Americans experiencing a stroke annually. While the statistics are unnerving, there are plenty of ways to make lifestyle changes that reduce your risk of stroke, possibly preventing one altogether.

  • COPD and You

    October 8, 2021

    COPD, short for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder, is an umbrella term that applies to multiple progressive lung conditions, such as emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Nearly 16 million Americans currently have a diagnosis for COPD, but there are millions more living without knowing they have it. COPD is a relatively common condition, but it most affects older age groups, primarily those aged 65 or older, with most diagnoses happening at age 45 or older.

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    October 5, 2021

    October is breast cancer awareness month, so there’s no better time to educate yourself about the risks and challenges the disease can pose. Like most cancers, breast cancer is a disease of aging, making it of particular interest to adults entering their twilight years. The median age of a breast cancer diagnosis is 62 years old, with 20 percent of women who are diagnosed with it age 75 or older.

  • Simple Ways to Boost Your Health

    October 1, 2021

    While aging is an unavoidable fact of life, many of the negative effects we associate with aging are actually not. By taking good care of ourselves and living a healthy lifestyle, we can make sure to make the most out of each stage of our lives. 

  • Coping with Arthritis

    September 28, 2021

    One of the many common complaints of aging is arthritis. The stiffness and soreness caused by swelling joints can make it more difficult to do tasks you once did easily, or even get around without discomfort. 

  • Caring for Older Feet

    September 24, 2021

    One fact that many people know as an interesting bit of trivia is that the human body has 206 bones in the skeleton. But, there’s a follow up fact that is a bit lesser known. It’s that 52 of those bones, or more than a quarter, are contained in the feet! That makes it one of the most complicated and engineered structures in the body, and it makes sense because they’re literally the foundation on which the entire skeletal system, and the organs, muscles, and other tissues supported by it, rest.

  • Sarcopenia: A Lesser-known Cause of Falls

    September 21, 2021

    Falling is the most preventable cause of injury to seniors, with one out of four seniors falling down each year. Less than half of those seniors who do fall will tell their doctors, and falling one time doubles your chances of falling again. One out of five falls will cause a serious injury such as a broken bone or head trauma. This means that one out of twenty seniors is seriously injured by a fall each year, making it one of the biggest dangers to older adults.

  • The Benefits of Home Health Care

    September 17, 2021

    For older adults, loss of independence and control over their lives is a frightening prospect. In fact, many problems sadly common among seniors are a result of being too proud to ask for help for worry that they’ll be put into a home, and something that could have been easily corrected or prevented while it was minor, becomes something much more serious or dangerous. But there’s a way for older adults to retain their independence into their twilight years, while still receiving the help they need and staying safe. And that is through home health care services.

  • Social Engagement Benefits for Seniors

    September 14, 2021

    For seniors, continued social activity is critical to wellness. The National Institute on Aging has found a correlation between seniors’ overall health and the amount of social engagement. Emotional bonds lead to many positive health outcomes, such as healthier habits, positive mental health, and mental stimulation.