Senior Care News and Blog | Senior Helpers of Scottsdale
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News and Blog

  • How to Recognize a Stroke

    March 12, 2021

    While the potential effects of a stroke can be varied, depending on the part of the brain affected, the warning signs are common enough that they can be remembered with a convenient acronym

  • Why Seniors Should Use Social Media

    March 10, 2021

    While the idea of getting into social media can be daunting for older adults, entering into the world of this emergent technology can have countless benefits for seniors.

  • The Sandwich Generation

    March 5, 2021

    Being pulled in multiple directions by the needs of their children and their elderly parents can put a multitude of stresses on members of the Sandwich Generation, both financial and emotional.

  • Keeping Active at Home

    March 2, 2021

    One challenge posing seniors is getting enough physical activity and exercise. In today’s world of quarantines and lockdowns, that difficulty is only compounded.

  • Pets for Seniors

    February 5, 2021

    Many seniors, particularly those over the age of 65, may think that they are too old to get a dog. If that dog is a puppy they may be even more apprehensive because dogs can be a lot of responsibility even if you are retired or don’t have the need to work full-time.

  • Thyroid Awareness Month

    January 29, 2021

    January is thyroid awareness month! Thyroid health isn’t something that the average person thinks about on a regular basis. Many people aren’t even sure of what their thyroid is, let alone why they should be aware of it.

  • Finding the Right In Home Care Agency

    January 22, 2021

    Trying to find the right in-home care provider for a loved one, or for yourself, can be stressful. You want to make sure you’re hiring somebody that you trust, someone who is qualified and knows how to do their job, and someone you and your loved ones will get along with.

  • Senior Savings

    January 19, 2021

    No matter how old or young, everybody loves a good deal. There’s a special kind of happiness that comes combining coupons and taking advantage of discounts and sales to maximize savings.

  • Hogeway Dementia Village

    January 8, 2021

    One of the biggest fears or worries people have are of having to move into a nursing home. Stereotypically nursing homes are seen as sterile and cold.

  • Veteran Aid and Attendance Benefit

    January 4, 2021

    Are you or a loved one a U.S. military veteran or the spouse of a military veteran? Veterans or their surviving spouses who are in need of care may qualify for some financial assistance on top of their basic pension.

  • Getting Older and Driving

    December 31, 2020

    As an adult, having a car and being able to drive from point A to point B seems to be a necessity. What happens when we’re not able to do so anymore or when our ability to drive becomes impaired?

  • Caregivers Helping Stress and Family Relationships

    December 18, 2020

    Caring for an older adult, particularly a parent, can be extremely stressful. The needs of your parent have a tendency to get placed before your own and the self-care you would typically provide for yourself get pushed aside and puts a strain on important relationships.

  • Holiday Movies

    December 10, 2020

    The holiday season is one of those times where families love to get together to watch some famous, classic movies that get everyone into the holiday spirit.

  • Tips for Healthy Immune System

    December 9, 2020

    These tips won’t only help you when it comes to preventing illness, but you’ll ultimately feel a lot happier, healthier, and more energized as well!

  • How to Spot Financial Abuse

    November 20, 2020

    Elder abuse, specifically that of a financial nature, is something that isn’t widely spoken about. A lot of people don’t even realize it’s happening or that it’s a prevalent issue within the senior community. In reality, elder financial abuse is a huge business these days. It’s been estimated that senior adults lose over $36 billion dollars each year to scams, fraud, and exploitation. What’s even scarier than that large dollar amount is that many of the tactics used to get that money are legal and affect roughly thirty-seven percent of older American citizens without them even realizing it.

  • Veterans Day Ideas

    November 11, 2020

  • Seniors Struggle While Staying at Home

    August 24, 2020

    People and businesses are trying to adjust to this new normal. However, our most vulnerable populations are seniors, are advised to keep staying on the home.

  • Seniors Struggling With Mental Health

    August 10, 2020

    While people and businesses are returning to a new normal, the number of coronavirus cases continue to climb in our state.

  • Helping Seniors Through the Pandemic

    April 24, 2020

    Learn six creative ways to help seniors maintain positive mental health during the pandemic.

  • Senior Helpers Scottsdale Caregiver Recognized as Hometown Hero

    April 16, 2020

    Senior Helpers Scottsdale Caregiver goes above and beyond during COVID-19 crisis.

  • Caring for your Senior Parents Through the COVID-19 Crisis

    March 18, 2020

    Caring for your aging parents can be stressful in itself but the coronavirus, or COVID-19, has made it even more so. As the news changes and it is becoming more apparent that this crisis will last months, not weeks, more and more families are deciding to move their elderly loved ones home and hire caregivers to come to the home and offer additional support for a few hours per day, as an alternative to assisted living.

  • Mom and Dad Can’t Live Alone…Now What?

    November 11, 2019

    Gene was about to turn 92 years old and was relatively healthy. He was able to take care of his day to day needs with a little bit of support from his daughter, Ellen. But, one day when visiting his house, his daughter saw a huge scratch on the side of his car. When questioned about it, he had no idea what had happened. He hadn’t even noticed. Maybe someone had crashed into him? Or maybe he had crashed into someone else? He couldn’t tell Ellen what had happened.