Moving is a stressful proposition for anyone, and the thoughts and prospect of leaving a long term home can be overwhelming and anxiety inducing for just about anyone. For seniors, many of whom spent their entire adult lives in their home, filling it with memories of raising a family, living with a spouse, and more, it can feel almost like the world is coming to an end.
One of the best ways to reduce your overall risk of developing cancer is maintaining good bodily health. One of the most essential parts of the equation for keeping good health is a well-balanced diet that includes the nutrition our bodies need. We are what we eat, and nutritious meals give senior bodies the fuel and building blocks for a strong immune system, faster recovery from disease and injuries, and also reducing the risk of developing cancer. While there are many factors that affect cancer risk, such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle, and a good diet may not completely prevent cancer alone, the countless other benefits to health alone are worth it.
Many of us either know a collector or have collections of our own. Whether it’s stamps, salt shakers, porcelain dolls, seashells, or any number of things, many people start collections because they love the object they’re collecting, or they see it as an investment and hope their collection will increase in value
Summer is nearing the end of the season, which means that many families are preparing for their children and teens to head back into school. The flurry of activity this time of year can be tough on parents, many of whom already have busy schedules and jobs on top of arranging things for their kids.
Researchers into the aging process have worked for decades determining what makes for enduring vitality and quality of life into our elderly years, and much of the exploration into age-related syndromes has found that the idea that growing old means growing frail is a myth.
When choosing a doctor for your eldery parents or other aging loved ones, there are a large number of different important elements to consider in the selection process. The issue for many people is that it can be difficult or not obvious to them what goes into choosing an effective doctor. After all, many of us who are younger and generally of sound health may have little to no experience with doctors and hospitals and medical treatment. But for our parents or other older relatives who are navigating their twilight years, the status quo for them and their health is multiple medications, regular checkups to ensure healthy lab tests and effective management of any chronic illnesses or conditions, and the potential for health emergencies at any time. The following criteria will be useful for anyone trying to determine if a given doctor is suited to care for your loved one.
While aging can bring a number of challenging things your way, nothing about the process of getting older should stop you from finding ways to creatively express yourself. Even if you find that your life is changing radically, there will always be some way for you to creatively express your feelings and personality.
Dementia is a debilitating disease affecting mostly seniors, and unfortunately it’s one of several medical conditions also associated with increased risk of depression. Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common and well-known form of dementia, has up to 25% of diagnosed patients also suffering from depression.
Every one of us is a unique person, and we all have bodies that have different capabilities, limitations, and once we enter our twilight years, age at a different pace. Exercise is healthy and recommended no matter what age you are, but for seniors, some exercises are unsafe and unwise to do once over the age of 60. The good news is that for every exercise you should avoid, there’s a safer exercise you can substitute it for to make sure you’re not neglecting any of your muscle groups, and allowing you to stay healthy and active all through your life.
Most seniors, when given the choice, understandably choose to continue living in their own homes as they age through their twilight years. However, the aging process inevitably brings changes that can affect health and functional ability that can put seniors at risk. The first step to ensure safe living at home is a home safety evaluation, which will let you know what changes need to be made to make your home environment comfortable, safe, and secure.
It's a lovely time of year to engage in events around Mesa and surrounding areas. Our region is rich with activities--whether you enjoy nature, shopping, or a hobby, there is something for everyone. Here, we'll highlight how to find seniors' events, meetups, activities, and get-togethers.
Dementia is a devastating disease, and many seniors count it as one of their fears as they age, with good reason. But there are many reasons to have hope and keep yourself from stressing out about it unnecessarily. For one, despite what many people assume about aging, cognitive decline is not an inevitable and normal part of the aging process. And beyond that, there are many measures you can take to reduce your risk of developing dementia, or if you’ve been diagnosed with it, slow, stall, or even reverse the progression of it.
Aging is a natural and inevitable part of life, and many seniors will eventually end up at least some help above what they can do for themselves. Whether a fall injures them and hurts their mobility, they fall seriously ill, or develop dementia and lose their ability to function as well as they could, someone to assist with decision making and managing affairs will be invaluable.
While the image of the crabby, ill-tempered senior, shaking their fist at neighborhood kids and shouting for them to get off the lawn, is a common ageist stereotype, there is truth in the statement that some changes in our later years can spark feelings of anger.
Forgetting things is sometimes an everyday part of life. It’s the reason to-do lists, reminder apps, and tying a string around your finger all exist. As people age, it’s possible they may experience more frequent episodes of memory loss, and this is often a normal part of aging. So how can older adults tell if what they are experiencing is normal aging symptoms, or signs of something worse, like Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia?
Apathy is defined as a feeling of disinterest, when you’re lacking the motivation to do anything or care about anything around you. While it can be caused by something as simple as a case of the blahs, it can also be a sign of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other more serious mental or emotional health conditions.
While hospital stays are generally unpleasant, there’s few feelings better than finally being discharged from one. The road to recovery is many times long and difficult, but getting back to your home and life is a significant milestone. Most people prefer to recuperate at home, but even when it’s an option, the help and care needed must be considered.
Most seniors have at least one, if not many more, prescription medications that they take daily. Depending on how medications are taken, they can be crucial for health when the guidelines are followed, or they can cause a major health setback if taken improperly. Whether it’s taking too many doses mistakenly, or forgetting the schedule and skipping medication at the appointed time, the results can be deadly.
A healthy, well-balanced diet is a crucial part of good health, and this is especially true for seniors. Processed foods, while convenient and plentiful, are often devoid of the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you receive from fresh foods. Summer is one of the best times of the year for fresh produce of all colors, or even trying to grow your own. Summer is the perfect season to make a conscious effort to add in more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.
When we reach our twilight years, one of the key ingredients to staying healthy, remaining independent, and living longer with a high quality of life is exercise. Exercise is of course important at all stages of life, but uniquely important for seniors due to the negative impact on our bodies that many of the physical effects of the aging process have.
It is unfortunate that some of the nicest weather of the year also comes with an onslaught of allergens. When pollen fills the air, people with allergies begin to groan and seek relief.
Many of us understand the need for each of us to have some amount of personal space and isolation from time to time. Whether to recharge our emotional batteries, think through some thoughts, or just spend our time on our own terms, research has shown that periods of self-imposed isolation can reduce stress, build self reflection and self esteem, and improve focus.
Most people on the planet don’t like being told what to do. For elderly people, who have lived their lives successfully and accumulated a lifetime of knowledge and experience, this tends to be even less so. Most seniors tend to bristle or get defensive when decisions are getting made on their behalf. But the problem is that it’s vital for adult children and other caregivers and loved ones to intercede on behalf of seniors should it be necessary for their care. Not all seniors will require that level of intervention, but many do. This is why it’s important to plan ahead, so you’re not stumbling unprepared through a difficult conversation when there’s no choice but to have it at that exact moment.
When most people think of the changes that cognitive decline like dementia or Alzheimer’s disease brings about, they tend to focus on a few measures of brain health. The reality however, is that the truth of the breadth of the changes is a lot more complicated.
Recreational activities are a great way for seniors to stay active and engaged in their later years. Whether continuing a current or rediscovering an old hobby, or exploring something new, recreation can strengthen physical and mental abilities. Just because someone is a senior doesn’t mean they have to sit around playing bingo or watching the news.