Senior Care News and Blog | Senior Helpers of Gilbert & Chandler
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News and Blog

  • Summer Exercise Tips for Seniors

    August 17, 2023

    With summer comes the desire to get outdoors and be active. Golf, gardening, and more, there is no lack of reasons to get outside and get moving. Exercise can help older adults to feel stronger and more confident, get engaged in their community and make friends, and of course reap the myriad health benefits of exercise.

  • The Importance of Vaccinations for Seniors

    August 13, 2023

    This article dives into the essential vaccines for those over 65, dispels common myths, and outlines their significant role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  • How Tai Chi Can Improve Senior Balance

    August 12, 2023

    Tai Chi offers numerous health benefits, including improved balance. Discover how in this blog.

  • The Importance of Stretching

    July 21, 2023

    There’s a common stereotype about aging, one which is reinforced in movies and TV and everywhere else in popular culture, that getting older means our muscles will tighten up and we won’t be able to move like we used to in our youth. But the truth of the matter is that getting older doesn’t necessarily mean that we must resign ourselves to having to deal with decreased mobility and range of motion. We can maintain our bodies as we age, and one of the things we can do to maintain mobility is to adhere to a regular stretching routine.

  • 4 Herbs & Spices to Add Flavor to Food Without Salt

    July 16, 2023

    If you're looking for alternatives to salt to make your meals tasty, here's a list of four versatile herbs and spices that can make meals tastier while keeping your sodium intake in check.

  • Celebrate July 4th With These Low-Sugar Desserts for Seniors

    July 15, 2023

    For our senior loved ones, traditional sugary treats might not be the best option. Here's a list of less sugary desserts you can try.


  • Stress Busting for Caregivers

    July 11, 2023

    During the pandemic, family caregivers increased their role. Many hours have been spent by caring relatives and friends in keeping older loved ones safe, whether it’s by providing hands-on care, giving transportation, shopping on their behalf, or doing what they can to support the elderly in senior living communities during quarantine. As things transitioned from in-person to online as well, they’ve also been providing tech support and crash courses in the internet and smart devices, helping their older friends and relatives to get the hang of online socializing and shopping.

  • How to Join a Book Club This Summer

    June 21, 2023

    Are you a senior who loves to read and wants to add social interaction to your favorite hobby? Learn how to find local book clubs that suit your interests and connect with fellow book lovers.

  • A Guide to Using Wearable Technology to Monitor Heart Health

    June 18, 2023

    Seniors can greatly benefit from using wearable technology to monitor their heart health. Here's an easy guide to help you learn everything you need about these devices.

  • How Hearing Loss Raises Dementia Risk

    June 16, 2023

    While some hearing loss is to be expected with aging, it is not necessarily a given fact that all seniors, with time, will lose some or all of their hearing. Far from it, in fact. By following guidelines from your healthcare provider regarding noise exposure, and having your hearing checked regularly, it is quite possible to retain good hearing well into your twilight years.

  • Davos In The Desert Podcast featuring Senior Helpers Gilbert-Chandler Co-Owner, James DeVary

    June 8, 2023

    Davos in the Desert is dedicated to providing forums whereby business leaders, thought leaders and government servants share their ideas for safeguarding freedom and liberty. James DeVary was honored to join their podcast recently to talke about Senior Helpers Gilbert-Chandler. Listen here!

  • Stroke or Heat Stroke?

    May 19, 2023

    As summer arrives and the weather warms up, many Americans will suffer from a heat-related illness. Seniors are at higher risk for heat-related illness, and should receive medical treatment immediately. But it is important to make sure you don’t confuse a case of heat stroke with a regular stroke. Both are medical emergencies that require prompt treatment, but the interventions for the two ailments are vastly different.

  • 5 Ways for Seniors to Share Their Expertise in the Community

    May 17, 2023

    Seniors have a lot of knowledge and experience to offer their communities. Learn how seniors can share their expertise and give back.

  • What Is Non-Sleep Deep Rest?: Guide for Seniors

    May 13, 2023

    For seniors struggling with sleep, Non-Sleep Deep Rest may help. Discover what it is and its benefits in this guide.

  • Social Isolation in Seniors

    May 5, 2023

    No one enjoys the feeling of being lonely or experiencing isolation. But the sad truth is that for many seniors, it’s a feeling that they know all too well. As we get older, we tend to experience life events that serve to separate us from the world and people around us. Our children grow into adults and move away, we lose touch with friends and siblings or experience their passing, and we sometimes have difficulty getting out of the house to socialize due to mobility or sensory issues. All of these things contribute to isolation and loneliness in the elderly, which are technically two different things.

  • 30 Minute Exercise Routine

    April 28, 2023

    For older adults, the amount of physical activity they get every week should include at least 150 minutes of moderate activity. Engaging in activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, and working on strength and flexibility training will all help you to achieve these goals.

  • Beating the Summer Heat

    April 11, 2023

    While spring is only just upon us, it’s never too late to plan ahead. With spring comes longer days, warmer temperatures, and a change from indoor activities to outdoor activities, which will only continue on into summer. For older adults, who are more sensitive to heat for a number of reasons, the increased temperatures in the later spring months and throughout summer can be dangerous. But with forethought and planning, anyone can enjoy a summer free from stress and medical emergencies.

  • The Benefits of Intergenerational Programs for Seniors and Youth

    April 10, 2023

    Intergenerational programs help bridge the gap between seniors and youth, fostering meaningful connections through shared experiences and learning opportunities. Learn the benefits of these here in this blog.

  • Is It Possible to Have Too Much Vitamin D?: Vitamin D FAQs for Seniors

    April 9, 2023

    Vitamin D plays a crucial role in the well-being of seniors but is it possible for them to have too much Vitamin D. This blog will answer the most common questions about it.

  • 3 Multi-Generational Easter Activities That Everyone Will Love

    March 16, 2023

    Looking for easter activities that your whole family can enjoy? Here are some ideas to help you out!

  • 3 Benefits of Hiring a Caregiver to Help Elderly Relatives With Gardening and Plant Care

    March 15, 2023

    Learn about the benefits that come with having a caregiver helping your senior family member with their gardening and plant care.

  • Soft Foods for the Elderly

    March 7, 2023

    Of all the joys of life, enjoying delicious food is undoubtedly at the top of the list. Food is a source of nourishment, comfort, a way of sharing hospitality and traditions, and reliving fond memories. However, as we age, some health restrictions can limit us or prevent us from enjoying various foods. Many elderly people struggle with oral issues and tooth loss that can make tougher foods that require extensive chewing an impossibility.

  • Arguments for Elderly Smokers to Quit

    March 2, 2023

    If you have been a smoker for a long time, you may wonder about whether or not it’s even worth it to quit smoking after so many years. But the truth is that quitting smoking is never something you can do too late. As soon as you stop, your health will immediately begin to improve.

  • Caretaker's Guide to Caring for Relatives With Atrial Fibrillation and Blood Clots

    February 25, 2023

    In this article, we will provide an overview of atrial fibrillation and blood clots, discuss key considerations for managing these conditions, and explore treatment options.

  • Your Elderly Relative Has Had a Heart Attack — How Does This Impact Long-Term Health and Care?

    February 24, 2023

    Understand the different long-term health and care implications of a heart attack in order to ensure that your elderly family member receives the care they need through this blog.