Senior Care News and Blog | Senior Helpers of Memphis East
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  • Senior Helpers In Home Help and Veterans Services

    October 31, 2019

    It is amazing how quickly the year has passed; it’s already November. On the eleventh, we will celebrate our nation’s armed forces on Veteran’s Day. This is the day to pay tribute and honor those who have sacrificed their time with their families and their lives to protect our great country. While it should be a daily practice to thank a veteran, it is especially important on this national holiday. Simply saying “thank you” is a small gesture that surely is appreciated. Post a message on a social networking site to thank our veterans. You never know who may come across that post and just needed to hear those words.

  • Fall Crafts for Senior and Caregivers and Senior Care at Home

    October 18, 2019

    With the major fall holidays beginning at the end of October, it is time to think of some easy fall decoration ideas that you can do at home with your senior loved one. If you live near a farm or local pumpkin patch, take a look around for some beautiful, large gourds that can be easily turned into unique vases for tabletop flowers. A small, swan shaped gourd could be used as a hanging vase by cutting a hole near the neck and hollow out enough space for fall flowers like mums, black-eyed Susans and other favorites.

  • Healthy Halloween Snacks and Costumes with In Home Senior Care

    October 17, 2019

    Halloween is a wonderful time to really let your creativity shine. Planning a Halloween party doesn’t have to be too complicated; just a bit of preparation is sure to make your gathering a hit. First, you must pick a date; decide if you would like to include neighbors, friends and family. Create a theme to focus your party around. It can be as simple as a color scheme like orange and black, or it can be based on a spooky movie. When you have chosen a theme and date that seems to be a good fit; send out an invitation either through the mail or email.

  • Dressing for Cooler Weather and In Home Help

    October 11, 2019

    Fall brings football, hayrides and camp fires. Now that cooler weather is here, it is a lot easier to enjoy time outside. Many large cities host concerts and festivals outdoors to soak up the comfortable temperatures. This can be an enjoyable event for a senior loved one. Simply pack up a cooler, load up the camping chairs, and relax. Be sure to bring a blanket or pack a sweatshirt for your loved one as evening temperatures tend to be much cooler than the daytime temps.

  • Fall Preparation and In Home Help

    October 4, 2019

    Autumn has finally arrived and the weather is starting to feel a bit cooler. You may notice you can leave your windows open during the day but need them shut at night to stay warm. The days are getting shorter as the sun sets earlier every day. We are quickly approaching the shorter days of winter and there are many things that need to be taken care of to prepare your home for fall. If you have an elderly loved one who may need some assistance with getting their home ready for fall, here are some helpful tips to get you started.

  • Alzheimer's and Dementia in Home Care

    September 27, 2019

    When a family is learning to cope with a loved one who is recently diagnosed with a dementia related disease, they may feel weighed down with the many options available for assistance. They may feel that they are unable to give their loved one the type of care they need to function. In some cases, a family may choose to move their loved one to an assisted living facility or nursing home. While nursing homes and assisted living facilities are common options for those who need care for their loved ones struggling with Alzheimer’s or other dementia related disease, it is not often the best choice and too drastic. Change is difficult for most people. For a person newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, change can have traumatic effects. Another downside of institutionalized care is the resident has no control over their lives. In many cases, a person may feel like a number or a task on a long to-do list. Alzheimer’s and dementia in home care by Senior Helpers of Memphis will always treat your loved one like a person. They will always be treated with dignity and respect.

  • Affordable In Home Senior Care

    September 19, 2019

    If your loved one requires some assistance with daily household chores so they can focus on family and getting well, Senior Helpers of Florence is the right choice. Affordable in home senior care also includes the everyday tasks that need to be handled by your loved one. A background screened, insured and bonded caregiver will be available to take your loved one grocery shopping, plan meals, and monitor their diet. A dependable caregiver will take care of light housekeeping, laundry, linens, vacuuming and dishes. Your elderly loved one will receive help with arranging and supervise home maintenance. When daily household chores become too much of a burden on your loved one, affordable in home senior care will take care of these tasks. A dependable caregiver will take care of the light housekeeping, vacuuming, dishes and other daily chores that have fallen behind. Meal preparation is also provided and medication reminders when needed. Your family will find peace of mind knowing that your loved one eats nutritious meals and takes their proper medication when needed. Your loved one will appreciate the time they now have to spend visiting with family and friends instead of trying to clean the house. Affordable in home senior care takes care of the tasks that are required to live independently.

  • Seniors Do Best with Care Provided in Their Home

    September 16, 2019

    There is a larger gap between quality home care services and other senior care facilities. If your elderly loved one is able to stay in their beloved home, in their familiar community, and get the proper care they need, they will feel a higher quality of life. Staying in their own home is the most desirable choice among seniors. Seniors do best with care provided in their home. It is no surprise that most people would choose to stay around in their own surroundings, being with family, friends, and pets. The main goal is to make fewer visits to medical doctor offices, hospitals and nursing homes. It is no surprise that you can receive the best help when you are in your most comfortable place.

  • In Home Senior Care

    September 13, 2019

    Many seniors in the newest generation lead relatively active lives. They attend social functions and events in their community and would prefer to remain as involved in their activities as long as possible. Seniors do best with care provided in their homes with the help of dependable caregivers who will make sure that your loved one arrives and returns from their appointments safely. Transportation is an important part of senior care from Senior Helpers of Memphis. You and your family can trust that your loved one’s safety is a top priority and that they can attend the events they wish and get back home safe and sound. Transportation from reliable caregivers who are thoroughly screened, background checked, insured and bonded from Senior Helpers of Memphis is available to all areas of Memphis, Germantown, Bartlett, Collierville, and Cordova, Tennessee.

  • Labor Day and In Home Help

    August 30, 2019

    As our loved ones age, we may begin to wonder how we can improve and possibly even extend their lives. If your loved one is experiencing difficulty with performing some of their daily tasks without assistance, or if they are struggling with their limited abilities in physical activity, there is no need to worry that they are not getting the stimulation they need. Studies have proven that there is no need to perform vigorous activity to extend or enhance a loved one’s life. Productive activities have been shown to have the same effect on the now elderly, the soon-to-be-elderly, and the emerging baby-boom-elderly health as physical activity such as exercise and may even slow the aging process in seniors.

  • The Benefits of Reading Aloud and In Home Help

    August 29, 2019

    These days, it is easy to get caught up with technology and the accessibility of information on smartphones and tablets. The ability to watch a show, pull up a news story, and learn something new at the touch of the screen can be exhilarating. It is also the reason why the newest generation is one of the most distracted. Whenever possible, encourage the turn of real pages and the imagination and fun that goes along with it. Plant the seed for a desire to learn, read, and grow through reading.

  • Thank You to Medical Personnel and Professional In Home Care

    August 16, 2019

    If your elderly loved one has just completed a hospital stay due to illness or surgery, the last place you want to recover is in unfamiliar surroundings. Professional in-home care makes it possible for an elderly loved one to remain in the comforts of home while recovering. If your elderly loved one is coping with a dementia related disease such as Alzheimer’s, professional in-home care can help them to keep life as routine and predictable as possible. Remaining in the comforts and familiarity of home is most preferred among seniors and elderly adults. A life altering move to a nursing home or assisted living facility can not only be confusing but also lead to feelings of loneliness and sadness. In home care makes it possible for life to remain consistent and allows for participation in the community.

  • In Home Veteran Care

    August 12, 2019

    If your veteran loved one has become frailer and requires personal care assistance, or if your loved one simply requires a little help around the house with daily chores, there are many forms of senior care available from Senior Helpers to offer companionship and assistance with tasks.

  • Dehydration Prevention and In Home Elderly Care

    August 5, 2019

    If you’ve never experienced dehydration, count yourself lucky. To many people, dehydration is something that is mildly uncomfortable and unpleasant, but isn’t a big deal. After all, you just have to drink some water and you’re all better, right? Well, not exactly. With dehydration can come a rush of dizziness, nausea, and panic as your body fights to regulate itself in the heat, and for the elderly, it can be significantly more difficult to reset when overheated and dehydrated.

  • Beating the Heat with In Home Elderly Care

    July 30, 2019

    Soaring temperatures and triple digit heat indices may be keeping you inside more than usual this year, but for aging seniors, dealing with the summer heat requires a little more planning than simply waiting it out indoors. One of the best things you can do to protect your aging parents and other senior loved ones from this summer’s sizzling heat wave is to prepare a personal summer survival kit.

  • Senior Independence with Lower Cost Senior Care

    July 2, 2019

    When asked, most seniors would express a strong desire to remain in their own home for as long as physically and emotionally possible. Even when a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or other dementia related disease; they are able to keep their independence with the lower cost senior care services of Senior Helpers.

  • In Home Senior Care and Summer Fun Safety Tips

    June 27, 2019

    Now that it is finally summer; the sun and our moods are brighter. We are spending more time outdoors now that the chill of winter and unpredictability of spring is gone. With these warmer days and longer time spent outdoors, it is important to always remember to wear sunscreen.

  • Beat Summer Heat and In Home Senior Care

    June 21, 2019

    The heat of the summer is here and it is important to remember some vital safety tips for senior loved ones. Our senior loved ones are more prone to heat related illnesses and are more susceptible to dehydration risks.

  • Summer Travel for Seniors and Affordable In Home Help

    June 14, 2019

    Summer is a highly traveled time of year for most people. The weather is warmer and attractions are open for visitors. As you may already know, traveling with an aging loved one can be a complicated at times. It is important to keep our aging loved ones actively involved in family outings, including on vacations. Traveling with an aging loved one does not have to be a stressful task. If you plan ahead to keep your senior loved one comfortable and safe, you can enjoy your trip together and help them to remain active in your family life.

  • Senior Care at Home

    June 13, 2019

  • Keeping Memories Alive and In Home Dementia Care

    May 17, 2019

    Keeping Memories Alive and In Home Dementia Care

  • Nutrition Tips for Caregivers and In Home Care for Elderly

    May 10, 2019

    Nutrition Tips for Caregivers and In Home Care for Elderly

  • Care for Dementia and Alzheimers Sufferers

    May 3, 2019

    Care for Dementia and Alzheimers Sufferers