Senior Care News and Blog | Senior Helpers of Erie
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News and Blog

  • 4 Common Signs of Senior Caretaker Abuse (and What to Do About It)

    January 25, 2023

    The signs of elderly abuse can be subtle. If you suspect a caregiver of abusing your senior loved one, these are the most important signs to look out for.

  • Family Communication: 5 Ways to Reach Out to Friends and Family Online For Long Distance During the Holidays and Beyond

    December 21, 2022

    Constant family communication can help connect the younger generation with their senior counterparts. From sharing family recipes to telling family-related stories, staying in communication with family and friends can strengthen emotional ties, creating a stronger bond among family members. However, this is not always possible due to various factors, like living far from their family. In this case, seniors can starve off isolation by using designated online platforms that facilitate family communication with their loved ones. Here are five ways to virtually connect seniors with their loved ones during holidays or seasons like the winter.


  • 6 Ways for Seniors to Celebrate National Giving Month at Home

    December 8, 2022

    December is a national giving month. It revolves around celebrating the generosity of giving back to the community to make a difference in society. While giving gifts spans back to the 15th century, National Day of Giving was founded in 2012 by United Nations Foundation in partnership with the 92nd Street Y.

  • How to Explain to Your Children Why Their Grandparents Might Not Recognize Them

    November 26, 2022

    Alzheimer's patients gradually lose their capacity to learn, perform, and remember. Families, particularly children, may be significantly impacted by the disease. It might be difficult to know what to say to your kids when they first notice their parent's dementia. And unfortunately, there isn't a single right response. Each scenario is distinct, as is each child.

    Even adults in Erie have difficulty understanding how Alzheimer's affects the mind and body and identifying the best method to manage new and increasing symptoms. How parents manage the issue directly impacts how children perceive the condition and whether they engage with their grandparents.


  • How to Have a Family Meeting During the Holidays Without It Feeling Like an Ambush

    November 11, 2022

    The holidays are a time for family, gathering together to celebrate all that we have in common. For many families, this includes elderly parents who may need some extra help and support. This can be a difficult conversation to have, but we mustn't put it off. In this blog post, we will discuss how to have a family meeting during the holidays without it feeling like an ambush. We'll give you tips on how to broach the subject of your elderly parent's caretaking needs in a way that is respectful and doesn't interrupt the holiday celebrations.

  • 5 Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder for Seniors

    October 28, 2022

    According to MedlinePlus, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects up to 3% of the general population. SAD manifests itself during the winter months when daylight hours are shorter, and there's less sunlight in the morning, resulting in cases of depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

  • How to Prepare for the End of Daylight-Saving Time on November 6th

    October 14, 2022

    Changing from daylight to standard time may happen in seconds, but its effects can be felt for days or weeks. The change disrupts sleep patterns and increases fatigue.

  • 4 Things That Change as Senior Dogs Get Older

    September 9, 2022

    Many seniors love having a dog as their companion as they age. However, just as the senior ages, the dog ages as well. An older dog has different needs than a younger dog, so it is important that the senior is able to meet these needs for their dog. Thankfully, older individual has the option of hiring a Senior Helper of Erie to help them do things for their dog that they are unable to do for them on their own. Here are some of the things to keep in mind when it comes to the needs of senior dogs. 


  • How Often Should Seniors Get Their Eyes Checked? And 6 Other Tips for Senior Eye Health

    August 26, 2022

    Seniors need to make sure that they are taking care of themselves as they age, and part of this is making sure that they have the best eye health possible. Going in for regular eye checkups is a great way to keep up on eye health, but there are other tips that can also help seniors to improve their eye health. Having a Senior Helper inErie can also make getting eye exams and doing other important eye health tips much easier.

    Here are some great tips.


  • 6 Benefits of Swimming for Seniors Needing Alzheimer's Care

    June 27, 2022

    There's no question that swimming is an excellent exercise for people of all ages, but it can be especially beneficial for seniors who need Alzheimer's care. As a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer's, you're always looking for ways to improve their quality of life. Swimming is a great activity that offers many benefits for seniors with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. It offers several advantages over other forms of exercise, so here are six reasons swimming is an ideal activity for those with Alzheimer's diseas

  • Gardening: 6 Ways to Renovate a Garden for Aging in Place and Senior Care

    June 15, 2022

    Gardening is a favorite pastime, but bending and digging in the dirt can be physically demanding as people get older. As a result, restricted mobility and agility substantially impact how individuals embrace and use outdoor spaces as they get elderly. However, there is a tremendous potential to make a home garden more appealing to older adults.

    Let's start with why seniors need a hospitable garden, and then look at ways to make gardening safer for them.


  • 5 Famous Senior Artists Who Made Some Great Art Pieces

    April 5, 2022

    A few gray hairs can't stop talented artists from producing great artwork. Many senior artists took some small steps and followed their dreams. They also did some of the best artwork that made them famous worldwide.

    If you always look for inspirational artworks, here is the list of top senior artists. You can check out their work in local art museums or on the Internet. Ready to dive into the top senior artists that make people fall in love with their artworks? Keep reading!

  • What Do Daily Living Activities for Seniors Look Like?

    March 8, 2022

    There comes a point with aging when it becomes more challenging for one to complete important and normal daily living activities on their own. People with dementia or Alzheimer's usually require support to manage their daily living activities. Notwithstanding, needing help to complete daily activities is not limited to seniors with cognitive impairment alone.

  • How to Support a Grieving Parent

    February 9, 2022

    The responsibility of helping your aging parents deal with the death of a loved one is inevitable. Assisting your surviving grieving parent through the death of their spouse can prove difficult because your grief from losing a parent, and your parent's grief are completely different. Though we all experience grief differently, there are many ways you can offer support to your grieving parent during this challenging time.

  • 10 Family History Questions That Will Warm Your Grandparents' Hearts

    January 4, 2022

    As our elders experience life from the vantage point of their sunset years, it's important for families and society at large to ensure that their stories are known. Aside from the immediate, life-affirming benefits of learning our family history, our lineage-to-come may themselves wish to learn of their families' legacies.

  • Caring for Seniors from a Distance: Tips to Consider

    December 2, 2021

    Caring for a senior loved one from afar is never easy. You may feel like you are missing out on the day-to-day issues that matter to them, and this can be frustrating. Thankfully, there are ways to stay connected without being in the same place as them all of the time. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for caring for seniors who live far away.


  • 4 Major Tips for Aging Parents That Won’t Listen

    November 3, 2021

    When we were young, our parents or guardians required us to listen and follow their advice. But what happens when it is our turn to take care of them but they refuse to listen to us? Aging is scaring. Most of the time, seniors fear the unknown, including the shrinking of their social world, loss of independence, and their health. All these factors may cause our aging parents to become stubborn and unwilling to follow our advice.

  • 10 Top Rated Tips for Stroke Recovery at Home

    September 22, 2021

    Although the risk of stroke is higher in senior adults, it can hit a person of any age. Statistics show that about 800k people suffer from stroke every year in the US. Many of these eventually get discharged from the hospital to go and continue the stroke recovery journey at home. Therefore, caregivers need to learn how best to look after their loved ones who have had a stroke.

  • Seniors Who Dance (and Why!)

    August 6, 2021

    Keeping active is important for people of all ages, and for different reasons. With regular exercise, health issues can appear, or worsen, and the effects of aging (lessened mobility, weakness, forgetfulness, insomnia, etc.) can begin to wear down the spirit.