As we mature, our dietary needs evolve. Discover essential tips for meeting senior nutritional needs, especially during the winter.
Seniors can enjoy seasonal festivities without compromising their health. Learn some tips to help them confidently manage their blood sugar.
Understanding the flu and its increased risks for seniors is important. Learn more about this virus and some effective flu prevention strategies.
Ensure a healthy holiday season for your senior loved ones. Learn how to accommodate a senior's diabetes diet without forfeiting taste or tradition.
Family caregivers are often overlooked soldiers serving on the frontlines of familial care. Learn how you can show them your appreciation.
Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for seniors. Discover some thoughtful, engaging gift ideas for seniors who love to keep moving.
Caretaking can take a significant toll on a person's mental health. Learn some tips on how you can provide meaningful support to your caretaking spouse.
Fall is the perfect time to explore new hobbies with your senior loved ones. Learn some creative ideas for fall-themed hobbies suitable for them.
Preparing for seniors' potential mental health challenges is a priority. Learn some of the common mental health conditions that seniors may experience.
Our vision and eye care needs evolve with age. Find out why switching from contact lenses to glasses could make a difference to seniors' eye health.
Hydration plays a critical role in overall health and well-being, particularly for senior adults. Learn how to help them stay hydrated.
Summer might bring some sleep-related challenges for seniors. Learn their sleep needs to ensure they enjoy a restful, rejuvenating sleep all summer long.
Are you looking for the right care for your senior loved one? Learn the differences between companion care and traditional caregiving.
Your senior loved ones need a secure and comfortable environment. Learn how to identify and address any safety concerns for seniors living alone.
Juggling the needs of your entire family can be stressful. Learn the importance of managing stress levels for your family's well-being.
As our loved ones age, taking proper care of their skin becomes increasingly important. Learn some seasonal skin care tips to protect their skin.
Staying connected with family and friends is essential for our well-being, especially as we age. Learn the benefits of modern technology to seniors.
Seniors are likely to experience difficulties with sleep and fatigue. Learn how to help them improve their sleep and reduce the effects of sundowning.
Music therapy has been shown to help individuals with Alzheimer's. Learn the power of music therapy and its potential benefits for seniors with Alzheimer's.
Need help with managing and organizing your senior loved ones medication schedules? Find out what a caretaker can do to help!
Carbon monoxide detectors are an essential part of any home. To ensure they're working properly, here are some tips for carbon monoxide detector maintenance seniors can do for their homes.
How do you know your elderly loved one is dealing with stress? Here’s a guide on how to conduct mental check-ins so you can help the seniors in your life.
How we breathe can play a much bigger role than one might expect in overall well-being. Learn the benefits of breathing through the nose.
Family caregivers often quickly find their lives consumed by the task of caregiving. Learn ways caregivers can ensure that their loved ones continue to receive a high standard of care while still protecting against burnout.
Wintertime here in New Hanover and the surrounding area is mild compared to other parts of the country. Snow is rare, but the region has enjoyed significant events in the past years. Along with the occasional snowstorm, rain and cold are the biggest threats to elderly family members. Here is a list of common risks in and around the home and what to do about them.