Senior Care News and Blog | Senior Helpers of Senior Helpers of Metairie
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News and Blog

  • How Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Affect Family Caregivers

    January 18, 2023

    In the winter, many people struggle with their mental health and experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Learn the symptoms of SAD and ways to treat its effects.

  • 3 Top Concerns of Family Caregivers (And What to Do About Them)

    January 17, 2023

    Family caregivers of senior loved ones often have several concerns. Learn how family members can easily take care of their senior loved ones and maintain their usual high quality of life at the same time.

  • How to Organize Your Holiday Shopping If You Have Early-Stage Dementia

    December 19, 2022

    One of the most important activities is holiday shopping and gifting loved ones. However, that can be frustrating for seniors who have been recently diagnosed with early stages of dementia. During the early stages of dementia, they may experience phases of memory loss when shopping, and this can cause several challenges such as:

    • Problems finding their way around a shopping store, e.g., finding entrance and exits
    • Picking up the wrong items or leaving out some items
    • Excessive shopping
    • Feelings of embarrassment and loneliness—when people don't understand their difficulties

  • 4 Tips and Tricks for Hectic Holiday Cooking if You Have Dementia

    December 12, 2022

    Cooking a large holiday meal is not always easy, and it can be particularly challenging for individuals that are cooking their first major meal following a dementia diagnosis. Fortunately, working with family members and making small modifications to your traditional meal can go a long way toward minimizing complications and keeping cooking enjoyable this holiday season.

  • How to get "Me Time" at Home When Your Parents Live With You

    November 28, 2022

    Arranging for a little 'me time" is beneficial to the family as a whole. Learn a few day-to-day tips that can help caregivers get some of the personal time they deserve and need.

  • Steps to Take If Your Elderly Parents Have a History of Seasonal Affective Disorder

    November 21, 2022

    Many seniors experience the seasonal affective disorder, leaving those who care for them unsure of what to do. Learn how to help your elderly parents with a history of SAD.

  • 5 Fall and Winter Home Decorations That Can Worsen Air Quality (And What to Do About It)

    November 14, 2022

    Decorating for the holidays is fun, but some decorations can worsen air quality. Find out which decorations are safe, and what you can do to replace the ones that are not, to preserve indoor air quality and keep your senior loved ones safe.

  • 4 Exercises That Help With Balance and Fall Prevention

    November 8, 2022

    The risk of falling grows as older adults age. Learn some low-impact exercises that will help older adults improve their balance, improve joint health, and increase strength.

  • How Often Should You Get Breast Exams as You Age?

    October 12, 2022

    Early detection and early treatment are among the most effective strategies for beating breast cancer. Here is what you need to know about setting the right breast exam schedule as you age.

  • Can Seasonal Depression Worsen or Complicate Alzheimer's?

    September 29, 2022

    Senior citizens with Alzheimer's may fail to recognize the signs and symptoms of seasonal depression Learn the signs and symptoms and find out how to make meaningful changes in their daily routine.

  • Immunizations and Vaccines That Are Important for Senior Adults | Senior Helpers Metairie

    September 16, 2022

    Most people consider vaccines for children only to protect their health and their family's health. However, vaccines are crucial for patients of all ages, including those over the age of 65 in assisted living or those in larger, more populated care settings. With several vaccinations available for adults, here are the five most important, proven, and effective vaccines and immunizations for senior citizens.

  • How to Prepare for Travel and Labor Day Events During Three-Day Weekends | Senior Helpers Metairie

    September 2, 2022

    For many people, especially seniors, spending time away from the usual environment can help them rejuvenate and return home feeling happy and relaxed. However, traveling comes with significant challenges for the caretakers who plan the travels. Whether planning to take a senior loved one for a three-day holiday or on the Labor Day holiday, it is essential to ensure that the holiday is successful, fun, and fulfilling for a senior loved one. But challenges and pressure come with traveling both for the caretaker and the elderly. Learning about these challenges can help make informed decisions and prevent or reduce travel-related stress.

  • The Do's and Don'ts of Bringing Up the Health Concerns of Loneliness for Seniors

    August 17, 2022

    Loneliness isn't just devastating to a senior's emotional state. It can also have a number of detrimental impacts on their health, including increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cognitive decline, and even a weakened immune system. Unfortunately, bringing up your concerns about those potential health worries to an aging loved one can feel incredibly frustrating. You don't want it to seem as though you're being condescending, but you do want to make sure your loved one knows the potential dangers and is prepared to address those concerns in a healthy manner.

  • How to Find Local Friend Groups and Meetups With Shared Hobbies This Summer

    August 3, 2022

    Throughout the Metairie area, including Kenner and New Orleans, there are many activities and potential friend groups to choose from. Many seniors find that they can participate in a variety of activities and hobbies that will help them get out of the house and spend more time with others around them. However, it can be difficult to find out more about those activities and hobbies, especially if you don't know where to start looking.

    Try some of these strategies to find local friend groups and meetups with people who enjoy the same hobbies you do this summer.

  • How to Navigate Supply Chain Shortages as a Senior Caregiver

    July 15, 2022

    Supply chain shortages continue to shake people across the United States. While some of those are simply frustrating--not being able to find your preferred brand of toilet paper on the shelves of your favorite Metairie store, for example--others can prove devastating. What happens if you cannot find the materials you need as a senior caregiver, or if you cannot find a senior's preferred foods or other items? Preparing ahead of time for potential supply chain shortages can make it easier to navigate those challenges.

  • Alternatives to Sunglasses If You Have Prescription Lenses

    July 14, 2022

    If you wear prescription lenses, you may find it difficult to find sunglasses that work for your needs. You may not want to have to swap glasses every time you come in or out of the sun, or you might simply not want to spend the extra money on prescription sunglasses. However, having adequate sun protection can feel essential, and you need that vital protection for your eyes just as much as you do for the rest of your body. Protecting your eyes from the sun in Kenner can help protect your vision and avoid UV damage.

    Try out these great alternatives to sunglasses if you have prescription lenses.

  • Caregivers vs. Cleaning Services vs. Retained Chores: Which Chores Go Where?

    July 11, 2022

    As seniors age, one might prefer home-based care over assisted living facilities. Home care enables seniors to be close to their loved ones. It's ideal if they can perform essential roles with minimal supervision. However, seniors with motor issues may find it difficult to perform simple personal hygiene tasks over time.

  • Enjoy the Summer Without the Sunburn: Summer Skincare for Older Adults

    June 14, 2022

    With summer on the way, nearly everyone is looking forward to enjoying some fun in the sun. However, while fresh air and sunshine can be beneficial for both mental and physical health, it's vital to take precautions to protect your skin from the sun's intense ultraviolet rays.

  • Caring for An Aging Loved One Who Lives Far Away

    February 24, 2022

    Life can lead us in many directions and eventually you can find yourself living further away from your parents.  As they age, it can become difficult for your loved one to continue to live as they always have, and they may begin to need support with their daily activities. As professional caregivers at Senior Helpers of Metairie we want to share a few ways you can care for your senior loved ones that will make a huge difference in their lives.