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News and Blog

  • The Importance of Staying Hydrated During the Summer (Even in the Shade)

    July 12, 2022

    It's important for everyone to stay hydrated, but it's doubly important for seniors in South Bend because, as you get older, you might stop feeling as thirsty as before. However, this doesn't mean that your body doesn't need as much water as it used to.

    According to this AARP article, men need about 15 cups of water a day while women need about 11. But this number could vary depending on your height and weight.

    Seniors who are more active generally lose more water through perspiration, so they need to drink more to stay hydrated. Plus, you need to drink more water during the summer months to enable your body to stay cool.


  • How to Travel on Day Trips and Extended Vacations as a Caregiver to Someone With Alzheimer’s

    July 10, 2022

    When you're a caregiver to someone with Alzheimer's in South Bend, you want to ensure that that person enjoys as high a quality of life as possible. And sometimes, this can mean going on a day trip or an extended vacation, usually with family members or friends.

    Given that people with Alzheimer's tend to forget things a lot, you might need to keep reminding them that the day trip or vacation is coming up in the future. This way, they have time to become used to the idea and don't feel surprised when it actually happens.


  • How Seasonal Allergies Can Reduce as We Age

    July 7, 2022

    Seasonal allergies can develop at any stage of life. Even something as simple as moving to a new location can cause people who were once entirely allergy-free to experience unpleasant reactions to common allergens. Surprisingly, however, many aging adults find that their seasonal allergies gradually abate with time. Research shows that changes in immune functioning during the golden years can make the normal allergy season infinitely more tolerable.

    At Senior Helpers of South Bend, we believe that improvements in seasonal allergies can be a positive thing. However, it's still important to investigate their possible underlying causes.


  • Caregivers vs. Cleaning Service vs. Retained Chores: How to Decide Which Household Chores Stay and Go

    June 15, 2022

    The elderly prefer living in their homes for as long as possible. However, handling ordinary household chores may become increasingly challenging as they continue to age.

    While continuing to perform household chores in old age isbeneficial for their health (boosting attention span, cognition, and physical vigor), sometimes their strength may fail them. It could even be risky at times, especially if they're too frail to perform certain chores without risking a fall.


  • Incorporating Technology in Your Senior's Life

    March 21, 2016

    As technology continues to pioneer its way into our everyday lives, it's hard not to recognize the conveniences and social opportunities it enables us with.