Senior Care News and Blog | Senior Helpers of North Miami
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News and Blog

  • 5 Fun and Stress-Free Travel Plans for Solo Seniors During the Holidays

    December 22, 2022

    Adventuring is an extremely rewarding way to spend your time, whether flying solo or exploring with your friend or significant other. That said, it can also be quite stressful, but you will likely be able to ease this anxiety by having stress-free travel plans and choosing trips with relaxation in mind.


  • Flu Shot Symptoms: Common Symptoms People Experience After Getting the Flu Shot

    December 15, 2022

    It's flu season, so it's probably in your best interest to get your shots even though you might experience some flu shot symptoms after getting it. It is important to note that seniors with underlying conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease, are at a higher risk of developing life-threatening complications after contracting the flu. Unfortunately, influenza affects seniors on a disproportionate level: The flu accounts for 70%-85% of deaths from the disease and 50%-70% of hospitalizations among individuals over the age of 65.

  • Guide to the First Holiday Season With One Surviving Parent

    November 28, 2022

    Losing a parent over the holidays is never easy, and it will be challenging the first year. Check these tips on your you and your surviving parent can navigate this unique holiday season.

  • What to Do If Your Elderly Parent's Caregiver Isn't Available During the Holidays

    November 21, 2022

    Your holiday plans could go differently due to unexpected factors. What if your elderly parent's caregiver isn't available during the holidays? Here are some tips on what to to do in this situation.


  • SAD: 11 Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder for Seniors

    November 1, 2022

    If you discover that you only feel down in the winter and become your typical cheerful self in the spring and summer, you may have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

  • How To Prepare for The End of Daylight Saving Time on November 6

    October 24, 2022

    The end of daylight saving time can significantly affect activities and behavioral patterns, especially in seniors. You can help your elderly loved ones prepare for this time adjustment by applying simple changes in their routine and increasing social interaction to avoid disruption, frustration, and difficulty.

  • 3 Ways to Stop Shorter Days From Impacting Quality of Life in Fall and Winter

    October 11, 2022

    Many seniors can feel changes in their moods during fall and winter. Here are some ways to stop shorter days from impacting quality of life during these seasons.

  • 3 Mental and Emotional Benefits of Demonstrating Gratitude

    September 28, 2022

    Demonstrating gratitude can help your seniors sleep better, improve their physical health, and also help foster overall mental well-being. Senior Helpers of Northern Miami offer companion services.


  • Things That Change as Senior Dogs Get Older

    September 7, 2022

    Senior dogs provide companionship and unconditional love and reduce anxiety in some individuals. They can also keep seniors active by going on walks, playing, and visiting friends. 

  • How Often Should Seniors Get Their Eyes Checked? And 4 Other Tips for Senior Eye Health

    August 31, 2022

    The eyes speak volumes without a single sound, but if you can't see, your world seems to become smaller and smaller. Miami Seniors should be taking special care of their eye health, so they can continue to enjoy the beautiful visions in their lives.

  • 3 Technologies for Fun and Safe Online Interactions for Seniors

    August 11, 2022

    Ultra-rapid advances in technology are making it increasingly difficult to stay abreast of the latest online threats. This is especially true for older device and platform users who are hardly "tech-savvy". Social media platforms, gaming apps, and video hosting sites provide outstanding opportunities to socialize.

  • In-Home Assistance and Hosting Dinner Parties: How to Have Fun

    July 11, 2022

    Fewer things are more enjoyable than having family and friends over for a fun evening of food and conversation. If you are an older adult in the Miami Beach area and are considering planning a dinner party, you might have some concerns.

  • In-Home Care Guide: How to Reorganize the Kitchen

    June 28, 2022

    Many people dream of living at home for as long as they can. However, that isn't always easy. That being said, there are plenty of things that you can do to make sure that you or your family members can continue to live at home even if they were diagnosed with Alzheimer's, dementia, or Parkinson's. The kitchen is one area that may need some work. Here is some in-home care guide that you can do.

  • Building Your Unique Caregiver Network

    May 16, 2022

    Caregiving is hard work that can leave you feeling lonely if you don't have anyone to turn to for support. Having a support system makes all the difference in the type and level of care you provide. It also helps you stay healthy, both mentally and physically, so that you can provide the best care that you can.

  • Recognizing Signs of Pain and Discomfort in the Elderly

    May 2, 2022

    Not everyone can communicate how they feel, and none of us like to see another in pain. We especially don't want another to be in pain without us knowing. Recognizing the signs of pain and discomfort is an important skill for a caregiver. Here are some signs and strategies for identifying and dealing with pain in the elderly.

  • Tips for Caring for Your Loved One from a Distance

    April 18, 2022

    Caring for an elderly loved one from afar can be difficult, especially if you don't have much experience with distance caregiving. While it might be hard to have to watch your loved one deal with the symptoms of old age and growing infirmity while you're thousands of miles away, there are ways that you can care for them from afar to keep them healthy and happy as long as possible. Here are some tips on how to provide the best care possible from across the country or even across the world.

  • Coping With Caregiver Fatigue

    April 1, 2022

    When caring for others is a priority, it's still important to take care of yourself, too. Without taking time to focus on yourself, you risk becoming overwhelmed by stress and fatigue. We know these feelings as "caregiver fatigue", and it involves your body, your emotions, and your mind.

  • How Daylight Savings Time Change Affect Our Seniors

    March 10, 2022

    A tiny time change can affect the health of our seniors. Daylight saving time shift can impact the well-being of a person, especially the elderly. The change in daylight savings time disrupts the sleep cycle and other routine activities responsible for our seniors' health. We must help our seniors adapt to the new clock settings by adjusting their meal intakes, and sleep and wake schedules.

  • Five Great Tips for Caring for Parkinson's Seniors

    February 22, 2022

    Parkinson's Disease is a neurological disease known for affecting movement. It results from the destruction of the nerve cells responsible for coordinating senses, activities, and emotions. It affects the muscles, and people with the disease experience movements for more than eight years. For people with the disease, you need a caregiver to handle the patient most of the time.

  • 4 Engagement Activities for Seniors with Alzheimer's & Dementia

    February 11, 2022

    Unlike what most people may beleive, dementia does not always mean a diminished life. Seniors living with dementia can enjoy an engaging, purposeful, and fun life like anybody else. Much as they can't enjoy some activities due to their conditions, they can still do plenty of activities to stay happy and entertained. If you are a caregiver or a family member brainstorming activities to keep a senior active, below are several.

  • 16 Ways to Keep Your Senior Parents Safe at Home

    January 31, 2022

    My mother-in-law and father-in-law were in their 90's and overall doing well at maintaining their life in their home. However, with an increasing shuffling gate, the hazards were increasing.

  • Noticing Changes in Your Senior Parent Over the Holidays

    January 10, 2022

    Visiting with family during the holidays can be a special part of holiday traditions. Many families missed out on in-person visiting in order to remain safe and prevent the potential spread of viruses. But this year, if the right precautions were taken and state mandates were followed, you may have decided to visit family and friends.

  • Senior Helpers Opens in North Miami

    December 18, 2020

    Senior Helpers® Opens Doors in North Miami

    Local In-home Senior Care Company to Bring 40+ New Jobs to the Area