Sock hops may have been a popular social event nearly seven decades ago, but some of Cheyenne’s seniors proved Friday that they can still kick it in 2025.
Friday afternoon, seniors traveled back in time to the 1950s for a Sock Hop event, organized by Cherie Holleman, the marketing director at Polaris Rehabilitation and Care Center, and Tiffany Gores, the recruitment coordinator at Senior Helpers in Cheyenne. The event included classic foods like root beer floats and cheeseburger sliders, as well as live music. Raffle prizes were given out, as well, and many were dressed in ‘50s-themed and Valentine’s Day-themed Sock Hop attire.
Seasonal depression is a common issue for seniors during the winter months. Learn coping strategies and lifestyle adjustments to manage seasonal mood changes.
Learn effective caregiver strategies to help improve senior sleep. Discover tips and techniques to promote better sleep quality and overall well-being.
Learn effective strategies for managing holiday stress tailored for caregivers. Take care of yourself while taking care of others during this busy season.
Discover fun indoor activities to keep seniors active during the winter. Provide opportunities for physical and mental stimulation for elderly adults.
November is National Healthy Skin Month and a great opportunity to focus on senior skin health. Learn tips and routines to keep aging skin healthy and vibrant.
Discover tips and strategies for supporting senior gratitude practices in November. Learn how to encourage and assist seniors in expressing gratitude, fostering a sense of appreciation and wellbeing.
Support seniors' health during changing seasons with our expert tips and advice. Discover strategies to help seniors stay healthy and thriving year-round.
Discover a variety of nutritious pumpkin recipes that are perfect treats for seniors. These recipes are tasty and also packed with benefits for older adults.
Remember that you are not alone. This message of encouragement is meant to uplift seniors and remind them that support and care are always available.
Grandparents play a significant role in the lives of their families, offering love, wisdom, and a unique bond. Learn more about the importance of grandparents.
Discover how simple home modifications can enhance senior eye safety and prevent accidents. Learn tips for creating a visually safe environment for older adults.
Learn effective strategies and tips for promoting eye health in the digital age. Discover ways to protect your eyes while using digital devices.
Discover how social support can prevent caregiver burnout. Learn valuable strategies and tips to ensure caregivers receive the support they need.
Create a social wellness plan for senior care that boosts interaction and overall well-being. Learn strategies and activities to enhance their quality of life.
Fort Collins, CO, June 26, 2024 – Senior Helpers Northern Colorado & Wyoming is pleased to announce Joel Scimeca as their new Director of Operations, focused on all day-to-day activities of their locations in Fort Collins, Loveland, Greeley, Cheyenne, and surrounding areas across the region.
Discover essential tips and strategies for promoting senior safety in the home. Learn how to create a safe living environment for your elderly loved ones.
Discover strategies and tips for supporting the emotional well-being of the seniors in your care.
The older we get, the more important it is to plan out important events, and other lifestyle changes throughout the year to come. Planning factors such as budgets, home changes, transportation and more can help us not forget anything, but also relieve us of the stress we might otherwise incur.