Senior Helpers® provides in-home care for senior clients that allows them to live in the comfort of their own homes. Many adult children of our senior clients are involved in their care as well. They often learn about the health challenges their parents face. Many adult children have questions about when their parents are diagnosed as diabetic or pre-diabetic. There are different types of diabetes, ways to manage the condition, and steps that adult children should take to manage their own health.
What Is Diabetes?
Diabetes is when the level of blood glucose, or blood sugar, in the body is too high and the metabolic system has issues converting it into energy. Consequently, this extra blood sugar remains in the body and can harm the organ systems over time. These are the types of diabetes:
- Type 1 is when the immune system begins attacking the pancreas and the body doesn't produce any insulin. Those living with Type 1 Diabetes are dependent on insulin and this condition can impact people of any age.
- Type 2 occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin. It also impacts people of any age but is most commonly diagnosed in elderly people.
- Gestational Diabetes is the third type, which impacts women who are expecting.
What Is Pre-Diabetes?
Pre-diabetes is when the body is not producing enough insulin, but it's not serious enough for classification as Type 2. It is when the pancreas is struggling to produce enough insulin. Pre-diabetic people have a chance of stopping the condition from worsening with changes in their diet and exercise.
Is Diabetes a Genetic Condition?
Diabetes is both an environmental and genetic condition. According to the American Diabetes Association's findings on diabetes, "genes alone are not enough" and environment plays a factor in whether a person develops pre-diabetes or diabetes. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can involve a genetic component that is inherited from one or both parents and this impacts the level of insulin production. The specific genes and risk factors involved in what causes diabetes vary according to individual cases.
Diabetes is also determined by environmental factors and those who have it can monitor their blood sugar level, learn which foods cause it to spike, and exercise to keep their blood sugar level low. It may be genetic, but managing the environmental and lifestyle choices involved can help individuals greatly minimize and control the condition. By taking care of themselves and identifying it early, adult children stand an excellent chance against diabetes.
Should I Get Screened for Diabetes?
Since diabetes is both a genetic and environmental condition, adult children of seniors who know their parents have been diagnosed with diabetes should get tested for it. Some forms can worsen over time and identifying them early can help mitigate the symptoms. Additionally, it can be reversible, so awareness of having diabetes would allow adult children to educate themselves as to how to avoid, prevent, or manage it. Since it is influenced by environmental and personal choices, getting tested and knowing one has diabetes is the first step to overcoming it.
About Senior Helpers® Milwaukee
Our Brookfield, Germantown, Glendale, and Milwaukee offices help senior clients cope with diabetes. Our care team helps individuals in this region and many other Milwaukee suburbs. We also offer specialized care. Contact us for more information about living with diabetes.