Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to show your partner with dementia that you still care. It can be difficult to manage emotions during what is intended to be a special moment. You may feel the day is overshadowed by your loved one's state.
Traditions and social interactions may have changed. It doesn't mean that Valentine’s Day for seniors with dementia can't continue to be both meaningful and fun for both you and your partner.
Reasons to Celebrate Valentine's Day
Every day should be a celebration of appreciation, love, and joy for your partner with dementia. Valentine's Day is the perfect time to let them know how much they mean to you and keep the love alive.
Showing Appreciation
Demonstrate that your relationship will continue even through hard times by showing appreciation for your partner. Tell them how much you care and are glad for the life you spent together. Spend time doing one of their favorite things or offer a preferred treat.
Maintaining a Positive Attitude
Demonstrate implicit trust and support in your loved one. Keep your attitude positive throughout the festivities and focus on the good that arises rather than any mishaps. Lead by example and enjoy life's adventures. It gives your loved one permission to do so as well, despite their challenges and limitations.
Creating New Memories
Every holiday spent together gives a sense of nostalgia. Reminisce on joyful moments from years ago while creating new ones in the process. You'll now have these new memories to look back on in the future.
Tips for Celebrating
With some tips for celebrating, you can find new ways to enjoy the occasion.
Focus on Simple Gestures
Simple gestures are often the most meaningful when celebrating Valentine’s Day for seniors with dementia. Make a home-cooked meal for your partner or simply hold them in your embrace. Showing physical affection can have an immense emotional impact on both of you that cannot be replaced by any material item.
Make It Activity-Based
Perhaps something more stimulating is more their speed? Movies and music make great bond-building activities, and elaborate conversations often follow. Arts and crafts offer creative outlets.
Easy games can also be enjoyable. Choose ones that don't require serious memory skills. Seniors with dementia may not handle these well.
Planning Ahead
It always helps to plan ahead for important days like Valentine's Day. Preparing your loved one for the day may even prevent confusion or aggravation. These feelings sometimes occur when unexpected circumstances arise beyond your control.
Keeping It Low-Stress
Keeping things stress-free can also help tremendously. Leave sensitive topics untouched during conversations. Avoid putting too much pressure on yourself and your loved one. Keep a relaxed mindset and simply enjoy each other's company.
Connect With Senior Helpers Appleton
If you are located in Appleton, Menasha, Neenah, Oshkosh, or the surrounding Fox Cities area and need additional help with your loved one while planning special holidays like Valentine's Day, Senior Helpers Appleton is available to offer support. Our team of dedicated professionals will work together with families to develop tailored solutions that meet their care needs in the comfort of their own homes. Get in touch with us today for more information about our In-Home Senior Care services!