4 New Year To-Dos for Managing Medicare in 2023
Although healthcare is an important part of American life, it can also be something that overwhelms many senior adults. Medicare is how many seniors get their healthcare coverage. It is a federal health insurance program designed primarily for seniors over the age of 65, although certain other people can qualify for coverage through Medicare. If you are eligible for Medicare and want to enroll, you might have some questions. Here are some things to keep in mind about managing Medicare in 2023, straight from Senior Helpers Richmond West.
Choose a Plan That Works for You
Before you enroll in Medicare, you'll need to determine which plan works best for your needs. Traditional Medicare consists of Parts A and B and is offered through the federal government. It provides coverage for many basic services, including regular checkups and certain procedures. However, there are often co-pays or other out-of-pocket costs associated with traditional Medicare.
Supplemental plans are another option for senior adults who might need something beyond what traditional Medicare offers. These plans include Part C and Part D coverage, which include extra coverage such as vision benefits and prescription medication coverage.
Enroll Online or Over the Phone
Once you have decided what plan is right for you, you'll need to go through the enrollment process. You can enroll in Medicare online through the official Medicare website. You can take the time to walk through the steps, or, if you want to speak to a person, you can call 1-800-MEDICARE. There is no one set enrollment period for Medicare. Rather, enrollment periods are based on your exact situation, so check what the rules are where you live to make sure that you don't miss any deadlines.
Ask for Help If You Need It
Enrolling in insurance can be an overwhelming process, especially if you've never tackled it on your own. If you have questions or concerns about Medicare enrollment, ask for help. There are resources to help you with Medicare enrollment, including the specialists on the official Medicare website, independent insurance agents, and your local Area Agency on Aging. You can also ask family and friends who have experience with Medicare to assist you with the process.
Be Patient with Yourself
Finally, remember to be patient with yourself through it all. If you get overwhelmed by the enrollment or by going through the specifics of different plans, don't hesitate to step away for a little while. Enjoy a hot cup of tea, do a relaxing hobby, read a good book, or take a short walk if the weather is good. You can always pick back up later on, once you've had a chance to decompress.
Senior Helpers Provides Premium Home Care
If you have any questions about how to manage your Medicare or about healthcare in general, Senior Helpers Richmond West can help! We offer personalized home care services to seniors in and around the Richmond, Midlothian, Petersburg, and Glen Allen areas. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer!