Falling accidents can be devastating and a long road to recover from. In fact, around 36 million falls by older adults are reported every year (“Keep on Your Feet,” 2023). Fortunately, the risk of falling can be greatly reduced by following a few tips.
Tripping Hazards
Survey your environment for things that can catch on your feet such as area rugs, mats, cables, pet toys, or other items. Tidy up so there is less clutter that could lead to falls. When out and about, keep an eye on the path ahead for potential problems like curbs, rocks, trash, and objects to avoid.
Ensure walkways are properly lit for navigating safely. There are many types of nightlights, motion-actived lights, and smart lighting systems that can be customized for your needs. Keeping a flashlight handy is a good idea as well. It may be useful to mark walkways with bright colored or glow tape for those with lower vision.
Staying physically fit is always recommended but flexibility and strength goes a long way for balance and mobility. Do some research on low-impact movements, stretches, and routines that are safe and comfortable. When in doubt if something feels risky then stop and try something else. There are many great seated exercises to consider as well. Physical therapy sessions may be beneficial by working on specifics with a professional.
As always, check in with your doctors and care team before starting any new routine and exercises. Caregivers can assist with transfers and mobility to ensure safety with tasks. It is paramount to stay on top of our health as we age. Keep these tips in mind for yourself and loved ones to prevent falls.
“Keep on Your Feet-Preventing Older Adult Falls.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 24 Mar. 2023, www.cdc.gov/injury/features/older-adult-falls/index.
Exercise Videos
National Council on Aging: https://www.ncoa.org/older-adults/health/prevention/falls-prevention
Caregiver Services: https://www.seniorhelpers.com/tx/san-antonio-north/services/