It’s essential to take care of ourselves as we age. Hygiene is key to preventing health issues through practicing cleanliness. This covers many aspects of our lives such as keeping a clean living space, healthy food habits, and personal hygiene. It’s never too soon or late to start healthy routines. Let’s look at a few hygiene tips to keep in mind as we age.
Think about what an average day looks like from waking up in the morning, personal care, meals, cleaning, etc. Take note of what you could slowly incorporate into your routine that could be a health benefit. This could be as small as moisturizing your skin, remembering to floss your teeth, or getting to sleep on time. Starting new habits can be tough so break it down into small steps that are sustainable. Visual cues, alarms, and other reminders can be helpful.
Dental Hygiene
Oral health is a key component of our overall well-being. Brushing at least twice a day, flossing, and having routine dental visits can help keep us in good shape. Dentists can treat problems before they worsen and save time, money, and pain down the road. Seniors may experience issues such as dry mouth that can be treated with products such as mouthwash.
Food Hygiene
We have all heard the phrase “watch what you eat” by now, but it’s also important to have a clean eating environment. A clean kitchen and dining room can help prevent illness. Refresh your knowledge on preventing cross-contamination, safe food temps, and kitchen safety. Labeling food containers with dates can help keep track of expiration.
As we age, our bodies change in many different ways. Including our skin, hair, nails, and teeth, we use many products on our bodies. Take a look at your toiletries and think about trying a few new or different products to see how they work for you. It’s good practice to use an SPF lotion to prevent sun damage. Dermatologists can treat special skin conditions such as eczema or rashes.
As we age, these small factors in our routines can add up to make a big impact on our overall health. Remember that life is a marathon, not a race. By slowly introducing healthy hygiene habits into our routines and encouraging our loved ones we can all live to our best potential.
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