Abuse can come in many forms that aren’t always easily recognized. It is important to know the warning signs of abuse especially for a vulnerable population such as older adults. Aging adults who may be living with dementia or other conditions rely on care from others. This includes their loved ones, caregivers, neighbors, and community members. Let’s take a look at warning signs and learn about solutions to prevent abuse.
This encompasses any kind of infliction of pain in a physical manner. Such as hitting, kicking, using restraints, pinching, and abusing drugs. Additionally, sexual abuse does not have to be physical it includes acts that are in view of someone. Warning signs to look for are wounds, scars, bruising, unexplained injuries, fear, and the person being reclusive.
This may occur in many different ways. Including verbal bullying, threats, yelling, gaslighting, controlling, social isolation, speaking down to someone, or compromising one’s morals. Signs could include a lack of joy, not participating in activities, not being social, and depression.
Financial abuse or exploitation occurs when someone is taken advantage of for financial gain. This may occur in ways such as a scammer could make up an emergency scenario, overcharging for work, bribing, or stealing. They may try to build a trusting relationship so this could happen without anyone knowing. It’s important to have trusted friends or family help monitor and secure accounts, cash, and financial resources. Warning signs may be a new person spending time with your loved one, missing valuables, or unexplained paperwork.
Other terms include neglect which is the mistreatment of someone’s essential needs that are not met. This could be food, water, emotional support, medications, or personal care. Abandonment is when someone knowingly abandons a vulnerable adult. Neglect may not be intentional if someone is careless or does not know better.
The good news is there are many solutions that can prevent abuse from occurring in the first place. It is important to start with a trusted care team for your loved one. This includes vetted and trained professional caregivers from a licensed homecare company in addition to family and friends. A care plan monitors for any sudden changes such as lack of appetite, skin condition, pain, mood, and more. There are other resources such as an ombudsman who is an official that can mediate complaints and advocate for long-term care residents’ quality of life and rights. Adult Protective Services is another resource that investigates abuse reports. Checking in our loved ones and knowing the signs of abuse is the first step in ensuring a safe and caring environment.