Check in on Your Senior Loved Ones this Holiday Season
The holidays are an important time to re-connect with friends and family. Each family has their own unique traditions, gatherings, food, and planned activities. In the coming months, many families would normally travel to stay with relatives and celebrate the holidays. Due to Covid-19, plans may change for some, however it is still important to connect with loved ones. Aging adults may rely on others to check on them to monitor their health and safety. This is especially important for those who have decreasing abilities or a chronic disease.
Here are a few tips when visiting senior loved ones.
1. Use a safety checklist to spot any hazards in the home. There are many free safety checklists online such as the one linked below from the CDC to help when inspecting a home.
2. Make any modifications or updates to the home. This may be as simple as a non-slip bathmat to prevent falls.
3. Discuss their future needs and make an action plan. Starting a serious conversation may be hard but there are helpful tips below to talk to aging parents.
If in-person visits are out of the question this year, it is still important to check in from a distance. Phone calls, video chats, and virtual activities are a great way to connect with loved ones. There are apps to help get creative by watching movies together, taking selfies, or playing games. You could also make new traditions over a good old-fashioned phone call by sharing memories, cooking or eating together, telling jokes, or discussing current events. The takeaway is, checking in on your loved one does not need to be a difficult chore but could also be a fun and rewarding time for all family members.
Safety Checklist
Conversations with Aging Parents Tips
Virtual Activities and Apps