As the population ages, more families have elderly relatives living in the home. At Senior Helpers Central Houston, we are committed to providing quality in-home care and support, which includes educating families on the importance of poison prevention. In this blog post, we will discuss what poison prevention is, the common household items that pose a risk of poisoning, and the resources available to help prevent accidental poisoning. Armed with these tips and resources, Houston families can keep their elderly relatives safe in their homes.
What is Poison Prevention?
Poisoning is the sixth leading cause of unintentional injury deaths among seniors. Poison prevention is the practice of taking precautions to prevent or minimize the risk of accidental poisoning. This often involves identifying potential risks in the home, such as medications, cleaning products, and other household items that may be toxic. The goal of poison prevention is to identify and remove any potential hazards to prevent the risk of accidental poisoning.
Common Household Items That Pose A Risk of Poisoning
There are many common household items that can be dangerous if misused or ingested. Common items that can lead to accidental poisoning in seniors include:
- Medications
- Household cleaning supplies
- Carbon monoxide
- Pesticides and insecticides
- Automotive products
- Plants
- Vitamins and supplements
- Alcohol
Tips for Poison Prevention
Be Prepared
Make sure the national Poison Control Center hotline (1-800-222-1222) is taped on your senior's fridge for easy access and reference.
Install a Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Ensure your senior loved one has a carbon monoxide monitor installed in every sleeping area of their home. Keep appliances like furnaces, stoves, or fireplaces in good condition, and make sure they are serviced regularly.
Use Medicines Safely
Remind your loved ones to read bottle labels and instructions carefully before ingesting medications. Seniors should not take medications in the dark or without their reading glasses.
Resources for Poison Prevention
There are numerous resources available to help prevent accidental poisoning. Here are some of the most important resources to be aware of:
National Poison Prevention Week
National Poison Prevention Week is held every year in March in order to raise awareness of the risks of accidental poisoning among seniors.
Poison Control Centers
Poison Control Centers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide emergency assistance and treatment information. Contact your local center here or by calling 1-800-222-1222.
Local Health Departments
Local health departments often host events and provide educational materials on poison prevention. Check out the Houston Health Department's website to learn more.
Our Compassionate Caregivers Help Keep Your Seniors Safe
At Senior Helpers Central Houston, we are committed to helping families keep their elderly relatives safe at home. We hope that by providing information and resources on poison prevention, Houston families can take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of their elderly relatives in Houston, South Houston, and Harris County. To learn more about our in-home senior care services, please contact Senior Helpers Central Houston today!