Dehydration is a serious problem, especially for seniors who may not feel thirsty or realize they need to drink more. Unfortunately, ignoring the signs of dehydration can lead to dangerous health complications that result in hospitalization and lengthy recovery times. The good news is that it's easy to stay hydrated even if you never feel thirsty—all it takes is a little planning ahead!
Use an App to Track Water Intake
Modern technology makes it easier than ever to stay on top of your healthy hydration levels! There are several apps available for smartphones that can help you keep track of how much water you have consumed throughout the day. Before you begin, set a goal for yourself. For example, drink ten 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Then use the app to monitor your progress and remind yourself when it's time for another glass so you can meet your goal.
Use Glasses With Ounce Indicators
Using glasses with ounce indicators is a great way to remember how much water you've had throughout the day—especially if you never feel thirsty! You can buy glasses specifically designed for this purpose, but any glass that shows liquid measurement markings will work. Making it easy to see how much you have already consumed so far each day helps remind yourself of your goal and encourages healthy hydration habits. There are also water bottles if you prefer drinking more at once.
Drink One Glass of Water With Every Meal
Making it a habit to drink one glass of water for each meal is another way to make sure you are getting enough liquids. This not only helps keep your hydration levels up but also adds volume to your stomach which will help you feel fuller and less likely to overeat. To add flavor, consider adding a squeeze of lemon or lime juice into the mix for a refreshing change-up!
Eat Water-Rich Foods
Eating water-rich foods is a great way to supplement your hydration. Fruits, vegetables, and dairy products can also provide additional liquid for hydration even when you never feel thirsty. Some of the top hydrating picks are cucumbers (95% water), cantaloupe (90%), oranges (88%), spinach (91%), yogurt (81%+), and strawberries (91%). So many delicious foods provide the water you need and can count toward your hydration goals.
Monitor Urine Color
This may seem strange, but urine is actually a terrific indicator of whether or not you're properly hydrated. A normal range of urine color should be light yellow to almost clear. Anything darker can indicate dehydration or worse. It's important to understand that taking water-dense medications and some vitamins can change the color of your urine, so ensure you check with your doctor before attempting to adjust your liquid intake based on this method.
Contact Senior Helpers Greater League City - Galveston, TX
Staying hydrated is a critical part of staying healthy and active as you age but can be difficult if you never feel thirsty. If you're someone who faces this challenge and would like more help or advice regarding in-home senior care support from Senior Helpers Greater League City - Galveston, TX (serving the areas of Galveston, League City, Dickinson, Lake Jackson, Dayton, Angleton, Bay City), please contact us immediately! Our professional staff is eager to assist with any questions or worries that come up along your journey.