Heeding the time-honored call of spring, daylight savings time has arrived once again. Every year, we turn our clocks ahead and adjust to a slight shift in our lives that marks the march towards longer days and warmer weather. For seniors who may be more sensitive to disruptions in their routine, this transition can bring about unforeseen challenges. Thankfully, strategies do exist for making the seasonal switchover easier on body, mind, and spirit. Here are some Daylight Savings Time tips from Senior Helpers Conroe.
Adjusting Sleep Schedule
One of the most noticeable impacts of Daylight Savings Time is the one-hour shift in sleep. This can be uncomfortable for seniors who already struggle to maintain a regular sleep schedule or may suffer health problems exacerbated by irregularity like illness, insomnia, and depression.
It's recommended to gradually adjust your bedtime leading up to daylight savings by going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night for several days. This gives your body more time, so it isn't overwhelmed by the change.
Setting Clocks and Watches
To ensure there are no surprises when Daylight Savings Time begins, make sure all the clocks and watches at home are changed beforehand. It's also important to check on any electrical or alarm-enabled appliances you may use such as a glucose monitor, blood pressure cuff, or heart rate tracker.
If an appliance is web-enabled, it's typically straightforward enough to reset its time settings online. Otherwise, look for instructions in your device's manual showing how to adjust its clock manually. You can also search online for instructions, or reach out to a family member who might know a lot about technology. Many seniors find themselves overwhelmed by technology. If this is you, don't get stressed - reach out for help resetting the time on your device.
Get Plenty of Rest
Our Daylight Savings Time tips cannot emphasize enough how crucial it is to get proper rest. However, oversleeping is just as bad an idea as undersleeping. Make sure to stick to your regular bedtime during Daylight Savings Time or shortly thereafter, if you've used the gradual transition method. Prioritizing sleep for at least five consecutive hours can help ensure mental clarity.
Senior Helpers Provides Customized Senior Care Solutions
The seasonal transition may be disruptive for seniors, but it's far from insurmountable. With these helpful Daylight Savings Time tips in mind, you should find the transition to the seasonal switchover a straightforward and manageable process. Remember - if you experience any problems adjusting to the time change, get in touch with your doctor or another medical professional.
If you are looking for premium senior care in Bryan, Conroe, College Station, Livingston, Montgomery, and Huntsville, reach out to Senior Helpers. We proudly serve seniors of all needs and unique lifestyles. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer!