Did you know that Alzheimer’s disease kills more people than prostate cancer and breast Cancer combined?
Do you know what mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is? It can be an early stage of Alzheimer’s. MCI is characterized by subtle changes in memory and thinking. To learn more visit alz.org
10 Warning Signs According to alz.org:
- Memory loss that disrupts your daily life
- Challenges in your ability to plan and solve problems
- Difficulty completing familiar tasks
- Confusion with place or time
- Vision issues
- Trouble with words when speaking or writing
- Misplacing things and unable to retrace steps to find things
- Decreased or poor judgement
- Withdrawal from normal activities
- Changes in mood and personality
Check out ALZ.ORG for understanding the differences between Alzheimer’s and normal age- related changes!!
TAKE ACTION this month and WEAR Purple; Get Involved! June 21 is The Longest Day…see what all is happening in your senior communities!