Choosing the Perfect Gift for Seniors with Arthritis or Limited Hand Mobility
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4 Strategies for Brainstorming Gifts for Seniors with Arthritis or Limited Hand Mobility

4 Strategies for Brainstorming Gifts for Seniors with Arthritis or Limited Hand Mobility

Often, seniors with arthritis or limited hand mobility can prove difficult to buy gifts for. Over time, their ability to engage in many of the hobbies they enjoyed before they developed these conditions may decrease. Finding a gift for seniors with arthritis or limited hand mobility can be easier with these strategies:

1. Consider practical gifts that could help them.

While the holidays are a great time for luxuries seniors might not get to enjoy the rest of the time, there are also plenty of practical gift options that gift-givers can add to their shopping lists. For example, consider hiring a service that will come in and provide assistance with self-care and basic tasks around the house, or hire a cleaning service to come in and help take care of cleanup around the house.

2. Invest in hobbies that don't require hand mobility.

Seniors with limited hand mobility may also have noticed a decline in their ability to engage in many of the hobbies and activities they may have enjoyed in the past. Gift-givers can consider hobbies their loved one might enjoy that do not require a great deal of hand mobility, including:

  • Playing games
  • Listening to audiobooks
  • Reading
  • Interactive games
  • Learning a new language
  • Genealogy
  • Photography
  • Travel

Gift-givers can consider tools for hobbies that may not require as much overall hand mobility. They can also look into tools that do not require a great deal of manual dexterity in order for seniors to use them effectively.

3. Choose technology and assistive devices that can help a loved one manage their independence, their hobbies, or their entertainment.

Many seniors might also not be aware of what technology options are out there that can help them improve their independence and aid in mobility. For example, they might not be aware of large-screen tablets, apps that can help with basic interactions or large-screen phones and devices that can allow them to maintain their independence while still providing them with a high level of support. When buying gifts for seniors with arthritis or limited hand mobility, consider technology options that can help and make them more independent or allow them to entertain themselves.

4. Give the gift of time.

Many seniors already have everything they need going into the holiday season. What they may want most of all is the gift of time with friends and loved ones. Consider giving the following:

  • Gift cards or tickets to events throughout the local area
  • Making time for them in your schedule on a regular basis
  • Planning a day out together
  • Offering assistance with some of the tasks your loved one can no longer do alone

As mobility declines, especially in the hands, many seniors may struggle with the tasks they once took for granted. If you have a loved one in the Cayce, Columbia, Irmo, Lexington, and West Columbia areas struggling with limited hand mobility, Senior Helpers Lexington can provide assistance with many of those tasks. Contact us today to learn more about the in-home care assistance we can provide.
