The Importance of Donating Blood During National Blood Donor Month
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Many people stop donating blood during this time of year due to holiday season obligations and weather conditions. It is also the time of the year where many people are sick with a cold or the flu. Because of this, January has been known to be a period of critical blood shortages. This January marks the 52nd National Blood Donor Month (NBDM). Throughout the years, the goal for NBDM has been to raise awareness to the importance of donating blood and how you can help save lives.
Why is it Important Donate Blood?
Blood donations save lives. Approximately 29,000 units of red blood cells are needed every day in the United States. One unit of blood can be separated into four individual components to help those in need of donations. An eligible individual can help save multiple lives with just 45-60 minutes of their time.
Blood can only be stored in refrigerators for approximately 42 days. This creates a constant need for a regular supply of blood donations. There is a long list of people who rely on blood donations. Your blood donations can be used for cancer patients, people with blood disorders, transfusions for blood loss of traumatic injuries and more.
How Can I Donate?
The American Red Cross is a wonderful resource to answer all questions relating to donating blood. Chances are there are multiple blood donation centers right around the corner from you! With just a click of a button, you can schedule about an hour of your time to help save lives. Visit the American Red Cross website here to find a donation center near you.
Simply put, donating blood saves lives. According to the American Red Cross, “You don’t need a special reason to give blood. You just need your own reason.” Whatever your reason may be, be sure to do your research to schedule an appointment as soon as you can.
For the month of January, the American Red Cross is giving anyone who donates in the month of January a chance to win two tickets to Super Bowl LVI in Los Angeles, California!
For more information and resources about donating blood visit the websites below:
Blood products: Blood donation (who.int)
Donate Blood, Platelets or Plasma. Give Life | Red Cross Blood