Whether you're dealing with the loss of a loved one, having a rough day, or just trying to manage getting through quarantine, coping skills can help you get through tough times. Managing your stress well can make you feel better emotionally, physically, and psychologically, since it can impact your ability to perform your best.
However, it is important to know that not all coping mechanisms are created equal. It may be tempting to immediately engage in strategies that may provide quick relief, but unfortunately those strategies may cause bigger problems for you down the road.
There are two main types of coping skills: problem-based coping and emotion-based coping.
Problem-based coping skills may include activities, such as creating a to-do list, working on better time-management, establishing healthy boundaries, or simply asking for support.
Emotion-based coping skills often include exercising, taking a relaxing bath, giving yourself a pep talk, or meditating.
Find what works best for you! The coping strategies that work for someone else may not work for you. It is now more than ever important to recognize your mental health.