It's the most wonderful time of the year!
This season causes the most challenges for seniors. However, with these few tips, it will be easy to stay safe while still enjoying the joyous holidays:
- Dress for warmth. Don't let indoor temperatures go too low and dress in layers. Wear warm socks, a heavy coat, a warm hat, gloves and a scarf. In very cold temperatures, cover all exposed skin.
- Fight wintertime depression. To help avoid feelings of loneliness, family members can check in on seniors as often as possible or send their loved one to adult day care; a short, daily phone call can also make a big difference.
- Eat a varied diet. It's recommended to consume foods that are fortified with Vitamin D, such as milk, grains and seafood options like tuna and salmon.
- Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Using a fireplace, gas heater or lanterns can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. Ensure your safety by checking the batteries on your carbon monoxide detector and buying an updated one if you need to.