Top Ways Homebound Seniors Can Volunteer
A new independent report shows evidence that consistent volunteering can improve the health and well-being of people age 55 and older. Whether you or a loved one is looking to fill time, stay sharp, or learn or practice existing skills, mobility issues do not have to stand in the way of enriching your life and the lives of others by volunteering. Here are excellent ways homebound seniors can volunteer.
Provide Warmth and Comfort
A valuable but often overlooked need in nearly every community is the need for socks, slippers, and blankets. A great way to volunteer is to make these items for area programs that specialize in supporting unhoused individuals in the process of attaining housing, such as The Warren-Forest Economic Opportunity Council. Another wonderful place to consider is helping a domestic violence shelter. Those leaving dangerous relationships often do so with little or no personal belongings. Handmade socks and blankets provide warmth and the knowledge that someone cares during a difficult time.
Be an Adoptive Grandparent
Navigating the world today can be difficult and lonely for many kids today. One way to help them is by being a volunteer grandparent, which can be done virtually or over the phone. The process does not have to be through a formal program but can grow organically out of the surrounding needs. The chances are good that there are parents nearby that would love for their child to have the opportunity to be extra loved.
Help Kids Stay Safe
You never have to wait for a program to volunteer. If you see a need, you can initiate a way to fill it! One way to help is to connect with local schools to make calls to kids to make sure they make it home safely and see if they have any concerns. Sure, parents can track kids with GPS, but having an extra person check in with a phone call builds a sense of belonging and allows kids to make good choices.
Teach Others to Read
A great way to make a lasting difference in your community is to teach others to read. Whether it is a child or adult, helping others improve their reading skills improves their opportunities and helps build a stable local workforce within the community. The best part is that your students can come to you, or you can teach virtually online! Call the local library and other area service programs to get connected.
Become a Tax-Aide
Want to help others not miss out on much-needed tax breaks and refunds? Become an AARP Foundation Tax-Aide! While this one does require leaving the house, it does not require a lot of physical ability and offers a huge way to give back to the community.
Volunteer Online
If you like a variety of options, check out an organization called PowerOf for many opportunities to volunteer online. There are even many local opportunities available through the website, such as teaching English online through the Nationalities Service Center.
Senior Helpers Warren, PA
If you are looking for more than just ways homebound seniors can volunteer, consider us. Recognized for kind, supportive in-home care that encourages dignity, health, and independence, Senior Helpers Warren provides services including home healthcare, overnight care, and COVID-19 senior care. Our service area includes Warren County, Russell, Youngsville, and Corry. For more information, please contact us.