Beat the Summer Heat with In Home Senior Care
The hot summer months are upon us and there is no more important time to make sure an elderly loved one is safe. It is important to remember that the elderly are more impacted by extreme summer heat than those of a younger generation. Senior Helpers of Harleysville provides in home senior care that will give you and your family reassurance that your elderly loved one is not over exerting themselves in the heat and that they are staying safe. Seniors’ bodies aren’t as able to adjust to severe temperature changes as well as others are at a greater risk for heat. Your senior loved one may also be on a medication that limits their ability to respond to changes or affect their ability to perspire. While your senior loved ones are more likely to succumb to serious heat related illnesses, there are steps that can be taken to minimize that risk and keep them safe.
Soaring temperatures and triple digit heat indices may be keeping you inside more than usual this year, but for aging seniors, dealing with the summer heat requires a little more planning than simply waiting it out indoors. One of the best things you can do to protect your aging parents and other senior loved ones from this summer’s sizzling heat wave is to prepare a personal summer survival kit.
A simple object that every senior needs nearby is a reusable water bottle to help maintain hydration. It is also very helpful for your family to gather together all copies of prescriptions and health insurance cards for easy reach. You can also create a list of phone numbers of health care providers and information concerning chronic health problems. It is important to have these pieces of vital information nearby in case of emergency.
Your loved one’s safety is the top priority of all caregivers from Senior Helpers of Harleysville, 215-699-5400. When venturing outside of the home, you can count on dependable transportation to and from local events, social functions, and appointments. When expecting to be in the sun for any length of time, your loved one’s caregiver will be sure your loved one is wearing a sunscreen with at least an SPF 30 to prevent any serious burns.
Especially during the extreme summer months, it is important to make sure your loved one’s health is carefully monitored. Senior Helpers of Harleysville provides this reliable in home senior care for a few hours to twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, including weekends and holidays. Along with preparing a nutritious meal and medication reminders, your loved one’s caregiver will make sure that they are taking multivitamins to keep their immune system strong. There will be some sort of battery operated or handheld fan in case of power outages and extreme heat. Senior Helpers of Harleysville, 215-699-5400, understands that most seniors have a strong desire to remain independent in their home for as long as possible. The dependable and highly trained caregivers from Senior Helpers of Harleysville can provide the indepth senior care they need, especially during the hot summer months that will allow them to live with dignity in their home for as long as possible.
This article is courtesy of Senior Helpers of Harleysville, proudly serving all areas of Harleysville. Call 215-699-5400 for more information about in home senior care in the hot summer months.