What Do Daily Living Activities for Seniors Look Like?
There comes a point with aging when it becomes more challenging for one to complete important and normal daily living activities on their own. People with dementia or Alzheimer's usually require support to manage their daily living activities. Notwithstanding, needing help to complete daily activities is not limited to seniors with cognitive impairment alone.
As your loved one begins to age, it's very common for them to start establishing a range of problems that may make it difficult for them to complete their daily living activities.
Daily activities can help seniors boost their overall well-being and physical health. These activities are essential to optimal health and bodily function. To complete them, your aging loved one might need to depend on others for assistance. However, these activities might vary from one senior to another.
So, What are Daily Living Activities for Seniors?
Daily living activities are basic tasks one is required to carry out on their own in order to live independently. Health issues and age might make it difficult for your aging loved one to do them with their safety and health in view.
Here are some six basic activities of daily living that are essential:
1. Bathing
Maintaining personal hygiene and good bathing habits ensures that your loved one feels refreshed, healthy, relaxed, as well as positive about their appearance. Personal hygiene and bathing are a vital part of daily living. These are the first activities that must be considered when assessing whether a loved one can provide care for themselves.
2. Eating /Feeding
This is commonly an issue if your loved one issuffering from a disease like Dementia or Alzheimer's. In fact, they might have trouble remembering to eat at all. Severe problems can also result in degraded hand-eye coordination or severe shaking, making self-feeding impossible.
3. Dressing
Seniors must choose clothes that are appropriate for daily situations and weather conditions and dress independently. Suppose you find out that your loved one is wearing the same clothes for many days. In that case, they might be experiencing a decrease in the skill or flexibility necessary to put on clothing or use fasteners like zippers and buttons. Consider giving them assistance with the dressing.
4. Toileting
The ability to use the bathroom independently is usually an essential daily activity that will show that your loved one can live independently. Bathrooms can be difficult and dangerous to navigate as they age. If they are nervous about going to the bathroom alone or have difficulty getting on or off the toilet, consider assisting them.
5. Mobility
Functional senior mobility does not necessarily mean a marathon, but the ability to walk, get in and out of bed and into as well as out of a chair.
6. Incontinence
With the ability to maintain day-to-day independence and normalcy, one must be capable of controlling their bladder and bowels fully. It might be a difficult and embarrassing subject to speak out about. Still, it's essential to address theunderlying causes of incontinence because they can be reversed if the discussion is broached early and honestly.
Bottom Line
Taking the above activities with your aging loved one helps them become as independent as possible to enjoy a greater quality of life. In some instances, some little adjustments such as vision and hearing aids, assistive devices, as well as physical therapy can help your loved one perform daily activities independently.
If you live in or around Erie, PA, and your loved one needs additional help, worry no more. Senior Helpers Erie has you covered. We are reliable when it gets to providing care to your loved one. Contact us today to learn more!