How to Manage Your Allergies in the Spring
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How to Manage Your Allergies in the Spring

Springtime brings warmer weather, beautiful blooms, and, unfortunately for many seniors, troublesome allergies. Unfortunately, these may significantly affect seniors' quality of life and well-being, making it crucial to find effective ways to manage them. 

This comprehensive guide will discuss spring's common allergy triggers and provide helpful tips on avoiding them. It will also explore lifestyle changes, medication options, and the importance of working with healthcare providers to create an effective allergy management plan. 

Common Spring Allergy Triggers

As the warmer weather sets in, several allergy triggers become more prevalent. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Pollen: With trees and grasses coming to life, pollen is released into the air, causing discomfort for many allergy sufferers. Both tree and grass pollen can lead to sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny nose.
  • Mold spores: The increased humidity in spring creates the perfect environment for mold growth, both indoors and outdoors. Mold spores may trigger allergy symptoms similar to those caused by pollen.
  • Pet dander: As our furry friends shed their winter coats, pet dander becomes more abundant, causing problems for those with pet allergies.

Tips for Avoiding Allergy Triggers

To minimize exposure to spring allergy triggers, consider implementing these helpful tips:

  1. Monitor pollen and mold counts. Keep an eye on local pollen and mold counts in your area through online resources or weather reports. Monitoring pollen counts helps you plan outdoor activities and when you can do them.
  2. Keep windows closed during peak allergy season. While you may seek fresh air, keeping your windows closed prevents allergens from entering your home.
  3. Use air purifiers and maintain HVAC systems. Regularly clean and replace filters in your air purifiers and HVAC systems to help reduce allergens in your home.
  4. Limit outdoor activities on high pollen days. Plan your outdoor activities for days with lower pollen counts, and avoid the early morning hours when pollen levels tend to be higher.
  5. Shower and change clothes after being outdoors. These efforts help to remove any pollen and allergens collected on your clothes and skin.
  6. Keep pets groomed and clean. Regular baths and grooming for your pets help reduce the amount of pet dander in your home.

Lifestyle Changes for Allergy Management

In addition to avoidance strategies, making specific lifestyle changes may help improve your overall allergy management. Maintain a clean and allergen-free home by regularly dusting and vacuuming to remove allergens from surfaces and floors. Using allergy-proof bedding also helps reduce nighttime allergy symptoms.

It also helps to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet. Drinking plenty of water can help thin mucus, making it easier to breathe. Moreover, certain foods like apples, onions, and berries contain natural antihistamines that may help reduce allergy symptoms.

Practicing stress management techniques such as meditation or yoga can also help with your allergy management. Stress may worsen allergy symptoms, so finding ways to relax and manage stress can benefit your overall well-being.

Medication Options for Allergy Relief

Several over-the-counter and prescription medications help provide relief from allergy symptoms. Options include antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal corticosteroids. 

Always consult a healthcare provider before starting new medicines, especially if you already take other medications for existing health conditions.

Working with Healthcare Providers

Regular check-ups and open communication with your healthcare provider are essential in managing allergies effectively. Discuss your allergy symptoms and concerns, and work together to create an allergy management plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan may include medication regimens, lifestyle changes, and an emergency plan for severe allergy symptoms.

We Can Help

Managing springtime allergies helps seniors enjoy the season's beauty without the burden of seasonal allergies. By understanding common triggers, making lifestyle changes, and working with healthcare providers, seniors may find relief from allergy symptoms. 

If you need help in your day-to-day and you’re living in Portland, Beaverton, Hillsboro, and Lake Oswego, OR, contact Senior Helpers Portland West. We want to support you in achieving a comfortable and enjoyable spring season and invite you to explore some of our other services, such as companion care and respite care