When it comes to supporting an aging loved one who is having trouble with self-care hygiene, many feel overwhelmed by the responsibility and unsure of where to start. Taking care of a senior's physical needs can be difficult, especially when there is resistance from the elderly individual.
By following some basic steps and understanding common symptoms of age-related health issues, you can provide safety, comfort, and peace of mind for your elderly loved one. Here are some tips from Senior Helpers Corvallis.
Schedule And Assist With Hygiene Routines
One of the most important steps you can take is to ensure your elderly loved one has daily hygiene routines. For instance, encourage them to brush their teeth and practice other oral health habits twice a day. Help with showering or bathing as needed. Remind them to dress in clean clothing every day, if possible. It's also essential for seniors to wear properly fitting shoes and socks that offer foot protection from falls or injury.
Provide Nutritious Meals And Snacks
To support your senior's physical health, ensure that they are receiving the right balance of nutrition throughout the day. Depending on their particular needs, create balanced meals and snacks that are both delicious and good for them.
If they have difficulty accessing healthy foods due to mobility issues or budget restrictions, assist in finding other solutions like meal delivery services, grocery store discounts for seniors or free food programs from public assistance organizations.
Respect Your Senior's Space
Everyone needs time for themselves, and seniors are no different. Pay attention to your elderly loved one's preferences when it comes to their environment and privacy. Respect their wishes as much as possible and try not to interfere with daily activities if they can be done independently. When obstacles arise that impact the senior's ability to perform these tasks on their own, you may find that a break from the routine or help from professional in-home caregivers can bring a needed change of pace while still allowing them some independence.
Connect With Care Providers
An in-home senior care provider can be one of the most beneficial resources for an elderly individual who is having difficulty with self-care hygiene. A knowledgeable caregiver, doctor, or geriatrician familiar with age-related health concerns can provide valuable insight and services that are tailored to meet your senior loved one's specific needs. They may also have additional helpful recommendations on how to make daily activities more manageable and enjoyable while offering friendly companionship as well.
Senior Helpers Support Other Senior Caregivers
No matter how difficult it may seem to assist your aging loved one with their physical care needs, you can do so in a way that honors their wishes and respects their dignity. By following these steps, you can help maintain the safety and comfort of your elderly family member while providing much-needed support and peace of mind during this challenging time.
If you need support from a premium senior care agency, reach out to Senior Helpers today. We support seniors and their caregivers in and around the Corvallis, Salem, Albany, Lebanon, Monmouth, and Molalla areas. Contact us today to learn more!