Top 5 Ways to Show Gratitude for a Caregiver and an Aide
Here's a list of original and kind ways to say "thank you" on behalf of your senior in Tulsa, or if you yourself work with a caregiver or an aide:
Make a Card
Some of our seniors are still interested in arts and crafts. We recommend that a senior with this type of personality makes a card for their caregiver. It's relatively easy to order a card online or buy one from a store while they're out. However, making a card requires extra effort and time. A handmade card is more personal and will be meaningful to the aide who receives it. It shows that they are noticed in the senior's life and their time merits a deep, personal card of appreciation. For seniors who struggle with managing their downtime or are experiencing emotional stress, creating a gift will also help them manage their time constructively and release natural endorphins.
Gift the Aide a Gift Card to Their Favorite Store, Restaurant, or Local Oklahoma Business
Sending someone a gift card can be fun because it requires some conversation and thought ahead of time. In other words, there's some detective work involved in finding out what a caregiver enjoys and how they spend their spare time. Strike up a conversation and figure out where they like to eat or grab a cup of Joe. Then, contact or visit the business and pick up a gift card. The caregiver will be delighted that someone remembers what they enjoy. They also have a small present to use there.
Contact the Local Office and Give the Caregiver a Positive Review
You may appreciate your caregiver and think they are meeting all your needs. Remember to contact their employer and convey this message. This tip won't cost you anything and will benefit the caregiver. If their boss has heard a glowing review about them, then they will appreciate your caregiver and treat them even better. If a caregiver is meeting and exceeding your expectations, make sure to tell their boss. Anyone would benefit from their boss receiving positive feedback about their work.
Show the Caregiver You Appreciate Them by Doing Something Nice for Them
Let's say you notice that the aide is struggling with parts of your home or running low on gas. Maybe they can't find the supplies when it comes to cleaning and become confused. You can do things to help the caregiver like make a basket of cleaning items and keep it in the same place for them. Or, if your caregiver is running errands with you, you could offer to pick up the gas. If you are able to make little gestures like this, then your caregiver will feel like their senior cares about them and wants to help.
Tell Them “Thank You” and Why
Some seniors might be limited in terms of mobility or live on a fixed income. However, thanking someone sincerely is free. All you have to do is name some of the things you notice they do to help you and say that you appreciate them. Tell your aide that you enjoy working with them and value their time. You never know; some kind words might brighten their day and give them a renewed sense of purpose.
How to Contact Us
Senior Helpers® provides older people with home care and allows seniors to remain independently living in their own homes. Our staff helps seniors with daily life and tasks like bathing, eating, and help to move around their homes. Part of our duties also involves building emotional bonds with seniors and providing senior loved ones with the level of care their own family wants for them. Here in Oklahoma, our aides help persons over the age of 65 in the cities of Tulsa, McAlester, Broken Arrow, and Sand Springs.
If your loved one is in the Tulsa office area, our main office has noticed that many of our clients and their adult children often want to express their gratitude for their care. Don't be afraid to reach out and contact our office. Give us positive feedback about your senior loved one's aide.