Nine Tips To Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease
Heart disease causes many deaths and disabilities in the United States. Here are tips to help you reduce your risk factors and prevent heart disease.
1. Control Your Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can make you susceptible to heart disease. You can regulate your blood pressure by having it checked regularly. A doctor can recommend strategies to lower and control your blood pressure, such as medication and lifestyle changes.
2. Regulate Your Triglyceride and Cholesterol Levels
High cholesterol levels can clog your arteries and increase your risk of having heart disease. Medicines and lifestyle changes can lower your cholesterol. High triglycerides can also increase your risk of having coronary artery disease.
3. Maintain a Healthy Weight
Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of having heart disease. The body mass index (BMI) uses weight and height to determine if one's obese. A BMI of 25 and above shows one's overweight. Waist circumference can also show whether one's at risk for heart disease. Your odds aren't great if your waist circumference is over 40 inches for men or 35 inches for women. Reducing weight by 3–5% can reduce your risk for heart disease and other ailments. You can aim higher to enjoy more benefits.
4. Eat a Healthy Diet
A healthy diet can reduce your risk for heart disease. Heart-healthy nutrition includes:
- vegetables
- fruits
- legumes
- whole grains
- low-fat/fat-free dairy products
- lean meats
- healthy fats (olive oil)
Limit processed carbohydrates, sugar, salt, saturated fat (full-fat dairy products and red meat), and trans fat (baked goods, fried fast food, and chips). A caregiver can help you stick to a heart-healthy diet.
5. Exercise Regularly
Regular exercises can improve your circulation and strengthen your heart. It can also help you manage your weight and lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. All these benefits can reduce your risk for heart disease. Even a 5-minute physical activity each day can have considerable benefits if you get eldercare.
6. Limit Alcohol and Don't Smoke
Consuming too much alcohol can increase your blood pressure and raise your calories, which can cause weight gain. It's recommended that:
- Men have a maximum of two alcoholic drinks each day
- Women have a maximum of one alcoholic drink per day
Cigarette smoking can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk for stroke and heart disease. Don't start smoking if you don't do it. You can quit if you smoke.
7. Manage Stress
Stress can raise your blood pressure and trigger a heart attack. Manage stress by avoiding stressful situations. You may also use heart-healthy coping mechanisms like meditation, exercise, and focusing on something peaceful or calm. Outside senior care caregivers can help you manage issues that can stress you.
8. Manage Diabetes
Diabetes can double your risk for heart disease, as high blood sugar can damage your blood vessels or nerves that regulate your blood vessels and heart. Test for diabetes and use diabetes regulation techniques if you have a diabetes diagnosis.
9. Get Adequate, Quality Sleep
You are more at risk for heart disease if you don't get enough sleep. Seniors need at least 7–9 hours of sleep every night. Ensure the sleep is comfortable, regular, and uninterrupted to maximize its benefits. Consult a professional if you can't sleep or feel tired after getting enough sleep.
Senior Helpers of Greater Oklahoma City is a premier provider of personalized, in-home senior care. Contact us today to learn how our caregivers can help you or your loved one reduce your heart disease risk and how our home care services can help you or your loved one stay as healthy, independent, and safe at home as possible.