Tips for Safely Storing Summer Clothes
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How to Safely Store Summer Clothes Away

As the seasons change, it's time to switch out your summer clothes for warmer winter attire. Organizing your seasonal clothing not only saves space but also ensures that your garments stay in good condition year after year. In addition, proper storage of summer clothes can make it easier to access what you need without having to rummage through cluttered spaces. 

Step 1: Sorting Through Summer Clothes

The first step in storing your summer clothes is to go through everything you own and decide what you want to keep. Start by assessing what to keep and what to donate. Look for clothes you haven't worn this season and consider donating these items. Discard any clothes that are damaged or worn out, keeping only the clothes that are in good condition and that you love wearing.

When deciding what to store, ask yourself if you wore the item this summer and if it's something you will wear next summer. Consider timeless pieces versus trend items. It's also crucial to store only clean clothes to prevent odors and stains from setting in. Wash and dry all garments thoroughly before storage.

Step 2: Preparing Clothes for Storage

Once you've sorted your clothes, it's important to prepare them for storage properly. Use gentle cycles and mild detergents for delicate garments, and ensure clothes are completely dry to prevent mold and mildew. Fold clothes neatly to save space, placing heavier items at the bottom and lighter ones on top. For delicate fabrics like silk or lace, consider storing them in garment bags for extra protection.

Step 3: Choosing the Right Storage Containers

Now it's time to choose the right storage containers to keep your clothes safe. Consider the benefits of plastic bins versus cardboard boxes. Plastic bins are durable and protect against moisture, while cardboard boxes are cheaper but can be susceptible to moisture and pests. Vacuum-sealed bags are great for reducing bulk and keeping clothes airtight. Whatever containers you choose, clearly label each one with its contents for easy access.

Step 4: DIY Methods to Keep Dust and Pests Out

Keeping your clothes free from dust and pests is crucial for their longevity. Use cedar blocks or lavender sachets to repel moths, prevent mildew, and add a pleasant smell. Create homemade dust covers using old sheets or fabric to cover bins and boxes. Always store your clothes in a cool, dry place to prevent mold. Choose storage areas like closets, under-bed compartments, or attic spaces that maintain a consistent temperature and low humidity.

Step 5: Storing Clothes in Accessible Locations

Finally, store your summer clothes in a way that keeps them accessible yet out of the way. Here are some tips for organizing your storage spaces:

  • Use shelves and drawers efficiently to maximize space
  • Store clothes vertically if possible to make them easier to find
  • Keep frequently used items like hats, lightweight jackets, and swimwear in easily accessible spots
  • Store less frequently used items further away or on higher shelves
  • Rotate your clothes each season to ensure the ones you need are always within reach
  • Use a designated area for seasonal storage

With these strategies in mind, you can more easily keep up with the items you need most when you need them–and ensure that items you don't need are tucked out of the way for later use.

Get Help With Senior Care This Winter

Storing your summer clothes properly ensures they stay in good condition and are easy to find when you need them. By following these steps, you can sort through your garments, prepare them for storage, choose the right containers, keep pests and dust away, and store them in accessible locations. Start this process early to avoid last-minute stress and enjoy a clutter-free closet all year round. 

Do you need more houses this winter? Senior care services can make it easier for you to get around and take care of all the things on your list. Contact Senior Helpers Somerset, proudly serving Plainfield, Bridgewater, Edison, Basking Ridge, and Somerset.