Seniors with vision impairment are at a higher risk of experiencing poisoning. Caregivers can help senior clients maintain safety and independence by identifying hazardous items in their environment and taking steps to remove them from the home. Keep these tips in mind to make it simpler.
Reasons Why Seniors With Vision Impairment Are at Risk of Poisoning
When you have a vision impairment, you may not notice spills, label identifiers, and warning signs as well. It's also more difficult to determine expiration dates on medication or remember if you have taken the correct dosage if the bottle is not labeled correctly. Help from a caregiver can ensure no mishaps occur.
Common Household Items That Pose a Risk to Seniors With Vision Impairment
Too many common household items can pose unnecessary risks to seniors with vision impairment.
Cleaning Products
Cleaning products are often stored under sinks or areas that are difficult to identify by touch and sight. Make sure all chemicals used for daily cleaning routines have their lids securely tightened and use brightly colored labels on them so they are easy to recognize. It may also be wise to lock the cabinet with these items inside and keep them for your own use.
Just like with household cleaners, medications should always be clearly labeled and tightly secured when not in use. If the senior is still independently taking their pills, make sure you double-check that they remember exactly what it is they took each day without relying solely on sight or identification of the shape or size of the pill. A pill organizer is a great tool for this purpose.
Household Chemicals
Hazardous substances, such as paint thinners, insecticides, drain openers, etc., must also be kept out of reach from any elderly individuals that live at home and may have difficulty seeing them. Label containers according to hazard level with multiple signs readily visible so no one makes accidental contact with what's inside. Keep them in a separate area from any food or other substances your loved one may be able to use on their own.
Plants are infrequently overlooked, but many common house plants can be poisonous if ingested or touched. This includes philodendrons, cyclamen, and peace lilies among others. These need to be identified and placed out of reach or removed completely to keep the home safe for your senior loved one.
Additional Tips for Handling Poisonous Household Items
Color coding containers are an excellent idea for keeping things organized and easy to recognize by sight. This ensures that your senior loved one can differentiate between which items are safe and which aren't. Whenever possible, switch out potentially harmful cleaners and chemicals with non-toxic alternatives for added safety. Finally, technology provides a great tool for remembering when it's time to take medication or any other tasks associated with caring for somebody at risk of poisoning.
Connect With Senior Helpers Gastonia
If you or a loved one in Gastonia, Belmont, Iron Station, McAdenville, or Dallas need help managing potentially hazardous items due to vision impairment, contact Senior Helpers Gastonia today. We offer compassionate and caring assistance with routine tasks, such as removing dangerous items from the home while also providing emotional support and companionship. Contact us now to learn more about how we can help!