Osteoporosis is a common issue among seniors. Bone loss occurs naturally as we age, but there are still things that can be done to mitigate it. Conversely, there are also many things we do every day without realizing they're actually bad for our bone health. This October 20, celebrate World Osteoporosis Day by learning about these four daily habits that can worsen or cause osteoporosis so you can avoid them.
1. Staying Inside Too Much
One cause of bone loss is a lack of vitamin D. As most know, the greatest source of this vitamin is the sun, which is one reason why spending time outside is so good for your health. Since some seniors are prone to staying indoors more, this can worsen conditions like osteoporosis. Go for a walk, play some games in the yard, or just sit in the sun every so often to help with this.
2. Too Much Salt Affects Osteoporosis
While the relationship is still being investigated, recent research indicates a link between excessive salt intake and weak bones. This works off the principle that more sodium in your body causes it to release calcium to balance things out. While a few extra shakes on your popcorn at the movie theater probably won't amount to much, eating way too much salt in your normal diet could lead to a lot of problems, including osteoporosis.
3. Smoking
It should go without saying that smoking is bad for you, but did you know it's bad for your bones in specific? Given what it is, it's hard to nail down smoking as a singular cause for osteoporosis in someone, but the science is fairly certain that smoking does have many negative effects on bones. In general, it's thought that smokers have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis and are more prone to fractures and slower healing. If you ever needed a reason to quit, here's a good one.
4. Poor Diet
We've already covered salt, but other aspects of your diet might be bad for your bones, too. Your health is a complicated thing and no one solution will fit everyone. That said, there are some guidelines to stick to. As discussed, calcium and vitamin D are very important. Protein, as well, is good. Be aware, though, that excessive protein (meaning meat-eating) without adequate calcium to match can actually hurt your bones. Other than that, magnesium is another good nutrient to keep your bones strong.
Getting an Osteoporosis Screening
Preventative care may be the best medicine, but it's also important to get tested for osteoporosis if you may be at risk of developing it. The easiest way to do this would be to bring it up with your doctor at your next checkup. As far as warning signs go, look for changes in height, gate, and posture in yourself and seniors, as well as general strength, especially when it comes to standing up.
Get Help From Senior Helpers Asheville
Caring for a senior is a lot of work. Providing adequate support for elders in your community, whether they have osteoporosis or not, is a full-time job. That's why Senior Helpers of Asheville, NC is here to help. We provide comprehensive in-home care to seniors in Asheville, Arden, Fletcher, Hendersonville, and many other areas. If you need some extra help, call us today.