Social gatherings are a great chance to cultivate relationships and foster a sense of belonging. As an older person, you may look forward to a meal with your peers as this allows your social batteries to recharge, leaving you rejuvenated and connected. Hosting dinner parties and having friends come over is one of the ways to increase this social interaction. Understandably, cultivating this blissful and free atmosphere can become challenging if you have in-home care in the form of a live-in caregiver or someone who drops by.
However, you don't have to let the caregiver's presence deter you from having the fun you genuinely deserve. Here are a couple of ways you can overcome these feelings of awkwardness.
Include the Caregiver in Your Plans
The caregiver is a relatively constant part of your life; including them on your plans could offer you a chance to know each other better. While it is advisable to maintain a professional relationship with your caregiver, inviting them to dinner parties will allow you to strengthen your bond with them and get to know them beyond the veil of professionalism. Make sure to keep your interactions friendly but not intrusive, as this could generate awkwardness.
Have the Caregiver Take Time Off
If you are uncomfortable having the caregiver around, you could politely inform them that you are having guests around and that you will need some privacy. The caregiver will be more than willing to let you have space to interact with your friends without holding it against you.
Schedule Your Plans When the Caregiver Has Left
If the caretaker is someone who drops by, and you would not like them around when you are hosting dinner parties or having fun, you could plan to go on with your plans when they have left. For instance, if the caregiver customarily leaves at 7 pm, you could decide to host the dinner party an hour later. You could also opt to organize the fun event on the caregiver's off day if it's a one-off thing.
Choose Another Venue for Dinner Parties
It is not cast in stone that the meetup has to happen at your home. If you are in a position to, step out once in a while as this will do you some good, especially when you feel stifled and need a change of scenery. You could thus decide to hold the dinner party at a local restaurant, where you will get professional with all the preparations. This way, you will have a lovely time and share laughter with your friends away from the confines of your house or the watch of your caregiver.
Ask Someone Else to Step In
If you need assistance around the house but do not feel comfortable with the caregiver sticking around during get-togethers, you could ask a loved one to step in momentarily. This could be your child, grandchild, or someone you would not mind having around. Doing so will allow you to interact with your peers freely and bond with family. Moreover, it's an excellent chance for the young one to learn from the experiences narrated in these social interactions.
At Senior Helpers Western Kentucky, we recognize the role of caregivers in enhancing your quality of life. We thus cater to this need by providing excellent home care services that enable you to lead your life without much disruption. We have proficient and compassionate caregivers in Hopkinsville, Paducah, Murray, and Madisonville. Contact us today for more information.