Sundowning is a common phenomenon experienced by individuals with Alzheimer's disease, usually in the late afternoon or evening. During a sundowning episode, dementia symptoms and behaviors become more pronounced, disrupting households and causing stress among family members.
Let's discuss the various ways sundowning can affect a caregiver's evening routine, and take a look at a realistic and practical solution for coping with sundowning and the things that are important in your life.
How Sundowning Can Upend Late-Day Routines
Here are just three ways sundowning episodes can affect a caregiver’s evening routine negatively affect a household:
Disrupt Kids' Bedtime Routines
When a senior with Alzheimer's becomes agitated or confused in the evening, it can make the process of putting children to bed a challenging and stressful task. The heightened emotions and behaviors displayed by your senior loved one can create an unsettling atmosphere for kids, making it difficult for them to relax and fall asleep.
Sundowning can also make it extremely difficult for older kids to concentrate on their studies, potentially affecting their grades and causing them to stay up later to get their homework done.
Derail Family Mealtimes
Shared meals are important for adult partners' relationships and kids' development. Also, when there's little time or energy to prepare nutritious, balanced meals, families are more likely to grab fast food or unhealthy snacks, leading to obesity and other health problems.
Eliminate Self-Care Routines
Coping with sundowning is not easy on caregivers. The condition can leave caregivers with less time for themselves in the evening. When a senior is experiencing symptoms of sundowning, it often requires the caregiver's full attention and energy to manage and calm the situation. This leaves little opportunity for caregivers to unwind, focus on their hobbies, or engage in self-care activities. Over time, this lack of personal time can harm the caregiver's mental health and overall ability to provide quality care for their loved one.
An Attainable Solution: Professional In-Home Care
One of the most effective ways to manage sundowning and improve your evening routines is to hire a professional caregiver. Having a dedicated caregiver for your senior loved one with Alzheimer's can provide the support, expertise, and relief needed to manage the challenges that arise during the evening. A professional caregiver can assist with soothing and calming the senior, allowing you to focus on your children's bedtime routine, or transition more smoothly to or from work. They can also assist with light housework and meal preparation, freeing you to look after yourself and the rest of your household.
Call Senior Helpers For Respite Care
Coping with sundowning requires understanding its effects on a caregiver's evening routine. This is essential to providing the best care for your senior loved one with Alzheimer's. By proactively managing these challenges, you can ensure a healthier and more balanced lifestyle for every important person in your life, including yourself.
If you need support in the Hopkinsville, Paducah, Murray, or Madisonville areas, contact us at Senior Helpers Western Kentucky. Our compassionate and knowledgeable team can help, allowing you to maintain a calmer and more predictable evening routine.