According to recent statistics by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 25% of senior citizens fall each year, with one out of five falls resulting in serious injuries. These numbers can reduce if the elderly proactively improve their balance and strengthen muscles through regular exercises. Get in touch with our experts at Senior Helpers Northern Kentucky to learn more about reducing the risks of falling. Here are 6 exercises to help prevent falls for persons over the age of 65 who reside in Northern Kentucky, Florence, Edgewood, and the Union area.
1. Leg extension exercise
This exercise helps prevent the risk of falls by strengthening thigh muscles and decreasing knee pain. You should sit in a chair with both feet on the floor, straighten each of the legs as far as possible, lower it back down slowly, and repeat the exercise about ten times for each leg.
2. Sit-to-stand exercises
As the name suggests, this exercise involves the participant starting from a sitting position and then using arms and legs to stand up. Repeated sit-to-stand positions are beneficial as they improve the body's mechanism and build leg strength, which is essential in preventing slip and fall accidents.
3. Toe stand exercise
The toe stand exercise improves the strength of the ankle and calves' muscles for more balance. It involves pushing up onto the tiptoes from a standing position and then lowering the heels slowly. Additionally, the person should slightly bend both knees and hold on to something for support. Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times a day.
4. Step-ups
Step-up exercises are essential in strengthening gluteal or buttocks muscles and upper legs. Use a small step stool or stand by the staircase, preferably one with a handrail, for this exercise. From a standing position, place one leg up on the step and follow with the other. Then return the foot slowly back keeping one on the steps the entire time. Repeat 10 times for each leg.
5. Knee curl exercise
The knee curl exercises also strengthen the lower back and buttocks muscles which are essential when walking and maintaining balance. Start the exercise by holding on to a chair or something else for support, lift one leg behind you curling the knee all the way such that the heel moves towards the buttocks then slowly lower it back to a standing position. Repeat the exercise about 10 times for each leg.
6. Heel-toe walk exercise
Perform this exercise by placing one foot in front of the other such that the heel of the front foot touches the toes of the back foot. Remember that it is still okay if the toe and the heel do not touch if your flexibility does not allow it. Take 10 to 15 steps and keep your eyes fixed on a point for improved stability.
Seek professional help
It is essential that you discuss difficulties and medical changes, such as pain in your exercise with a professional. Our experts at Senior Helpers in Florence, KY, offer non-medical in-home care to make your life easier and more manageable. Get in touch with us in Edgewood, Union, and surrounding areas to begin your journey today.