As the winter season rapidly approaches and vacation plans begin to take shape, it becomes essential for seniors to take necessary precautions in preparing their homes for their absence during the chilly months. An often overlooked aspect of winter travel preparation is winterizing the home — a crucial step for anyone planning to leave their house unoccupied for an extended period.
Let's explore the steps to securing your home against winter freezes and other critical measures to guarantee your peace of mind while you’re away.
An Overview of Home Winterization
Winterizing your home refers to making adjustments and changes to protect it from potential winter damage. This preventative measure is particularly beneficial for seniors embarking on long winter travels, safeguarding their homes against freeze damage and security risks during their absence.
A Home Winterization Checklist
Here are winter travel preparation tips to ensure your home is safe while you're away.
Upgrade Your Insulation
Insulation is vital in controlling your home’s indoor temperature, preventing heat loss that may result in higher heating costs. Pay extra attention to doors and windows. They're common areas for heat leakage. Consider sealing gaps with weatherstripping. Cover the windows with a plastic film to further prevent drafts.
Protect Your Pipes
Frozen pipes are a common problem during winter, causing significant home damage. Drain water from outdoor faucets and sprinkler systems before departure to prevent this. For indoor plumbing, allow your faucets to drip slightly to keep water flowing and reduce the risk of freezing. Insulating your pipes can also provide an added layer of protection.
Check Your Heating System
Your heating system is your best defense against winter cold. Before your departure, have a professional check your heating system to ensure it's functioning correctly. Regular maintenance includes cleaning or replacing air filters and checking the thermostat to ensure it's working correctly.
Secure Your Home
Long periods away from home can make it an easy target for burglary. A critical winter travel preparation is to assess your home security before you leave. If you have an alarm system, ensure it's functioning and turn it on. Install timers to turn on lights at night, creating the illusion that there’s somebody in the house. Notify your neighbors or local authorities about your travel so they can keep an eye on your house during your absence.
Other Important Measures
Unplug all non-essential appliances to save energy and prevent the risk of electrical fires. If you regularly receive mail or newspapers, put them on hold while you are away. Piles of mail or newspapers are a clear sign of an unoccupied house and can grab the attention of opportunists. Consider hiring a snow removal or landscape service to keep the yard, driveway, and sidewalks clear.
Get Support From Senior Helpers
Proper winter travel preparation can seem quite a task. However, these steps will give you peace of mind and ensure you have a home that's just as you left when you return.
Once you're back, you can rely on Senior Helpers Lexington to assist you with the day-to-day tasks that help you remain independent in your home. We provide comprehensive in-home care for seniors in Lexington, Georgetown, Nicholasville, or Shelbyville, KY. Contact us today to find out how we can empower you to live your best life on your terms.