How Seniors Can Stay Active When It's Too Hot to Go Outside
The summer heat in Indiana can become unbearable, especially for older people. Their bodies aren't able to cool as easily as younger people, and they are more likely to overheat. They may even find themselves in trouble with hyperthermia, which can be life-threatening.
That being said, there are many seniors who enjoy being active. Whether they enjoy spending time walking outside or they need to exercise regularly for their health, it can be hard to do in the heat.
How Can Seniors Stay Active in Summer Heat?
Here are some tips to help.
Walk Outside When It Is Cooler Out
You should avoid the sun when it is at its peak. It is usually cooler in the morning and the evening, so you should try to save your walking for those times of the day.
Visit Some Senior Centers to See What They Offer
Many senior centers have exercise classes to help everyone stay in shape. These are often inside due to the hot weather. You may also find a new way to move your body that you really enjoy!
You May Even Want to Join a Pool
Swimming is a great form of exercise, and it is not something that you can do all year round (unless you find an indoor pool). You may even join a water aerobics class. These are often really good because you are also dealing with the resistance of the water. Many people who struggle with balance may find that they move around better in the water, so they feel like they are actually working out.
Try Yoga
Yoga is a great way to build muscle, improve flexibility and improve balance, so it might be something that you want to try.
Workout With a Friend
You should never work out alone, just in case you get overheated. You are going to want to have someone to keep an eye out for you, and you can do the same for them.
Stay Hydrated
Even if you are working out inside, it is essential that you stay hydrated to avoid overheating.
Take Extra Breaks When You Are Exercising
It is important that you give your body plenty of time to recover. It might be better to do two or three short workouts instead of trying to spend an hour doing something strenuous.
Wear Sunscreen
No matter when you go outside, you need to make sure that your skin is protected. Wear good quality sunscreen to avoid sunburn.
Use Air Conditioning While You Are Exercising
To stay as cool as possible, you should always use air conditioning.
It is important to stay active as you age, even when it gets too hot in Evansville, Newburgh, Mount Vernon, and Boonville. You have to be careful because you don't want to overheat to the point where you end up getting sick! For this reason, you should make sure that you walk in the morning or evening. You may also want to join a senior center or a pool to see what they offer. You might be amazed at the classes that are available!