Family Guide to Preparing for a Hospital Discharge of a Senior
After a lengthy hospital visit, the family of a senior adult might be chomping at the bit to get to interact with their loved one once again. While it is exciting to prepare for the hospital discharge of a senior, it is also important to set some expectations. Preparing in advance for a hospital discharge will help things to run smoothly, and ensure that your senior loved one remains safe, comfortable, and happy. Here are some tips from Senior Helpers Evansville:
Prepare the Senior's Home
Well before your senior loved one comes home, try to prepare their home as much as possible. Whether the senior lives with you or in their own space, you'll need to do a thorough sweep to make sure that there are no hazards. In particular, make sure that your senior loved one isn't likely to fall by adding handrails where you deem them necessary. Also, check to see that cords and cables in the home don't present a trip hazard.
Review the Medical Plan
Even if your senior is leaving the hospital feeling great, you must take the time to review any applicable medical information with your loved one's care team. This includes taking notes on medication, reviewing any set doctor's appointments, and making sure that you know what your senior should avoid in terms of food and activities.
Don't Expect Too Much
You and the rest of the family might be very excited to spend some quality time with your senior loved one, but it is important to remember that your senior just finished a stint in the hospital. They should plan to take it easy for a while, even if they feel great. Don't plan any strenuous activities or events, and don't plan anything without consulting with your loved one first.
Don't Hesitate to Reach Out for Help
Know your limits, and when it seems as though you are stretched thin, don't be afraid to ask for help. Enlist family and friends to check in on your senior loved one or to run simple errands like picking up groceries or making sure that the senior's house is clean. If you want even more support and help, you can look into hiring an in-home caregiver. A caregiver can provide steady, consistent support for your senior loved one, helping you to remain stress-free and confident that your loved one is being taken care of.
Senior Helpers Can Help Seniors Stay Safe and Comfortable
Preparing for your senior loved one to come home from the hospital can be exciting and overwhelming all at once. With a few steps and a lot of compassion, you'll be able to keep your loved one happy and healthy. If you have any questions about personalized senior care services in the Evansville, Newburgh, Mount Vernon, and Boonville area, reach out to Senior Helpers Evansville today. We provide the very best premium care services in the state!