Mental health is as important as physical health for people of all ages. Senior Helpers Northwest Indiana will shed some light on a significant mental health issue among seniors: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).
Understanding MDD is important, as it manifests differently in older adults compared to younger ones, often complicating detection and treatment. We'll debunk common misconceptions about mental health in later life and offer practical tips for managing symptoms.
Understanding Major Depressive Disorder in Seniors
Major Depressive Disorder, commonly known as MDD, is a mental health condition marked by pervasive feelings of sadness, a lack of interest in activities, and other emotional and physical symptoms. This disorder doesn't discriminate based on age, but in seniors, the signs of MDD might be subtler or mistaken for typical signs of aging, such as fatigue or forgetfulness. Feeling low isn't a normal part of aging. This is one of many misconceptions about MDD in seniors that can hinder timely diagnosis and treatment.
Dealing With Major Depressive Disorder
Family and loved ones play a vital role in managing MDD in seniors. By staying alert to changes in behavior, mood, or daily activities, they can detect early signs of MDD. Regular companionship and emotional support can significantly help improve their well-being.
While coping with MDD, seniors can take active steps in managing their symptoms. Good self-care habits, a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and social engagement are all part of a holistic approach to managing MDD. It can help to work with your senior loved one on establishing healthy habits, such as a meal plan or a new workout class. Seniors should always contact their doctor before starting a new workout routine, especially since a healthcare provider can suggest special workouts that might suit each senior's preferences and lifestyle.
Seeking Professional Help
Sometimes, professional help is the best course of action. Once symptoms of MDD become evident, seek help from mental health professionals. They are equipped with the necessary training and tools to tailor a treatment plan that suits each individual's needs.
Your senior loved one might not be sure of how to feel about treatment for depression. Talk to them about it and explain that seeking treatment is the best way to get back to their healthy, happy routine.
Learn More About Senior Helpers and Senior Care Services
Understanding and managing Major Depressive Disorder in seniors is a pressing issue that warrants due attention. Remember, feeling sad or low isn't a normal part of aging and should be taken seriously. Family support coupled with professional help can make a world of difference in managing MDD.
If you or a loved one living in Crown Point, Gary, Hammond, Lake County, or East Chicago are experiencing symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder, contact us at Senior Helpers Northwest Indiana. We're here to assist, offering a helping hand and compassionate care to ensure you can navigate this journey with the support you need.