Surviving the Winter Season: 5 Tips on Staying Healthy Around Elderly Relatives
When you're caring for a senior loved one or visiting a senior parent every few days, your primary concern is always their health. Winter seems to be the time when everyone has a cold and the flu is making the rounds. You need to keep yourself healthy this winter so that you don't pass anything along to your senior loved one. Here are five tips to consider incorporating into your lifestyle this winter:
1. Reduce Stress
Stress can leave you worn down and wide open for any germs that you're exposed to. During the winter months, you should strive to reduce your stress so you don't get sick and pass it along to your senior parent. There are many things that you can do to reduce the normal stress in your life, from taking a walk to journaling. Always remember that you need to take care of yourself as well, especially when you take care of your senior loved one
2. Eat Healthy
You should practice healthy eating throughout the year, but it's especially important during the winter months when colds and the flu seem to be making the rounds. Instead of grabbing something on the way home, take the time to cook a meal that includes lean protein and vegetables to keep yourself healthy this winter. For dessert, you can enjoy fresh fruit with a little ice cream.
3. Sleep Well
With it getting dark outside by dinner time each night, you'd think it'd be easier to get a good night's sleep, but it isn't. To help keep your senior parent and yourself healthy this winter, you need to make sure that you're getting enough sleep. You can feel rundown and be unable to fight off a cold or the flu if you're exposed to it.
4. Get Your Flu Shot
A new flu vaccine is released almost every fall to provide immunity against the new strain of flu expected that winter. You can protect yourself and your senior loved one by getting a flu shot. The vaccination decreases the chances that you'll get the flu if you come into contact with someone who has it, and if you do get it, it won't be as bad. Make an appointment for you and your senior loved one to get a flu shot as soon as they become available.
5. Wear a Mask
When it's cold and it’s the flu season, and you're spending your days with a senior loved one, it's beneficial to wear a mask when you have to go out. A mask can minimize your risk of exposure to a variety of airborne illnesses. You can also wear a mask on the occasions that you visit a senior parent.
Senior Helpers Des Plaines Believes in Health First
This winter, you can stay healthy around your senior parent and help them avoid getting sick in Chicago, Des Plaines, or Lake Forest. If you or a senior loved one needs someone to take care of daily chores, Senior Helpers Des Plaines can help. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment.