Managing chronic diseases in the summer can be more challenging. The heat can add an extra layer of complexity, especially for seniors grappling with diseases like diabetes or arthritis. But don't let the rising temperatures dampen your spirits. From hydration pointers to recognizing heat-related illness signs, learn some handy tips to sail through these sizzling summer days.
1. Ensure Proper Hydration
No matter which chronic condition you have, staying hydrated is essential. Dehydration can escalate some chronic conditions, making them tougher to manage. Always have a water bottle handy. Aim to sip on it throughout the day. Adding a slice of lemon or a splash of fruit juice can make the water more appealing if you're not the plain water type.
2. Avoid Midday Heat
Midday heat, when the sun is at its peak, can be hazardous to people with chronic diseases. Try to arrange your day so you're indoors during these peak hours. If stepping out is necessary, remember to wear light, breathable clothes. Don’t forget to put on a sun hat to shield your face. Don't underestimate the refreshing power of a good old-fashioned fan either!
3. Recognize Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses
Symptoms of heat-related illnesses can range from mild to severe. You may notice increased thirst or fatigue. Some people experience nausea, irregular pulse, and dizziness. Stay attuned to these signals your body is sending you. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical help immediately. You want to ensure it's not a heat stroke, as this can be a serious condition. Seeking medical help also helps rule out other heat-related illnesses.
Manage Arthritis in the Summer Heat
The heat and increased humidity can sometimes aggravate arthritis symptoms, making joints feel stiff and uncomfortable. So, make sure you're staying as cool as possible. Gentle exercises like walking, swimming, or water aerobics keep you moving without exerting too much pressure on your joints. Just remember to consult your doctor before starting a new workout routine.
Manage Diabetes in the Summer Heat
For those dealing with diabetes, high temperatures can cause fluctuation in blood sugar levels. Always carry your medication and monitor your levels frequently. Remember, hydration is doubly important in the hot months to maintain balance.
Other Chronic Conditions to Monitor
Several other chronic conditions may also be impacted by summer heat. Managing chronic diseases in the summer, like heart disease, lung disease, or Parkinson's, can be extra challenging. It is crucial to follow your healthcare provider's advice. Take your prescribed medication and try to stay as comfortable as possible during the hot days.
Work With Senior Helpers Des Plaines
Managing chronic diseases in the summer heat is all about listening to your body and taking the necessary precautions. It might take some extra planning, but it's all about taking small steps to ensure your comfort and well-being.
You don't have to face this journey alone. If you're a senior living in Chicago, Des Plaines, or Lake Forest, Illinois, and need assistance managing your chronic condition this summer, Senior Helpers Des Plaines. Contact us today to learn more about our services!