Top 8 Autumn Habits and Hobbies to Extend Senior Health Spans
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Top 8 Autumn Habits and Hobbies to Extend Senior Health Spans

Top 8 Autumn Habits and Hobbies to Extend Senior Health Spans

Seniors living in beautiful Honolulu, Moanalua, and Fort Shafter may not see the brilliant change of seasons that is so popular in New England. Yet, there are plenty of subtle yet enjoyable autumnal changes right here in tropical Hawaii. Along with those changes are autumn habits and activities that will help improve a senior's health span.

Delighting in the Outdoors in Autumn

1. Once children are back in school and many of the summer visitors are gone, Oahu's beaches and walking trails are quieter and more welcoming to seniors. The cooler fall weather is conducive to getting outside and enjoying the pleasant weather while it lasts. Autumn is also a wonderful time to watch wildlife arriving to spend the winter months in the warmer Hawaiian climate.

2. Fall is the perfect time to see Koholā (humpback whales) frolicking in the waters off of Diamond Head Beach Park or from the Makapuʻu Lighthouse Trail. Hawai'i Magazine reports that the whales begin arriving from their Alaskan feeding grounds in November. They will spend the winter in the waters of Hawaii, giving birth and breeding for the next generation of calves.  

3. Female Kolea or Golden Plovers began returning to Hawaii in July, followed by the males in late summer, and finally, the chicks. No one knows how the chicks manage the 2,000-mile nonstop journey from their Alaskan birthplace to Hawaii on their own, but somehow they arrive. Since they are so numerous, it is quite common to see at least one of these delightful birds while on a walk, even in urban areas.

Pleasurable Indoor Autumn Activities

4. Decorating a home for autumn with adorably tiny pumpkins, colorful and quirky gourds, and a fall-scented candle in a jar will bring the scents and colors of autumn inside. A senior doesn't even need to light the candle to enjoy its spicy fall scent. A trip to a local craft store will yield faux fall leaves and berry sprigs to enhance their display with all of the rich, warm colors and textures of autumn.

5. Inviting a friend or family member to share the joy of crafting these delightful autumn centerpieces will double the joy. That way, two homes will benefit from a senior's crafting skills. Following up the crafting session with an autumn-themed jigsaw puzzle and a favorite fall treat will just add to the fun.

Silver Cuisine offers healthier versions of several autumn favorites.

6. A Mixed Berries Yogurt Parfait combines brain-healthy and nutrient-dense blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries with protein-rich Greek yogurt. Mixing a spoonful of nut butter into the yogurt adds healthy fats, while a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon add healthy sweetness.

7. A senior will probably enjoy taking a small baggie of Homemade Fall Trail Mix along on their autumn walks. Unlike store mixes, this one will contain all of their favorite ingredients without all of the excess salt, sugar, and oils. They can mix together their choice of crunchy unsalted, unsweetened roasted nuts with pumpkin and sunflower seeds, bite-sized pretzels, chopped dried fruits, and a sprinkle of ground autumn spices like cinnamon, cloves, mace, or nutmeg. Toss in a handful of candy corn or chocolate chips for a touch of sweetness.

8. Caramel Apple Nachos swap out healthy apple slices for the chips in this delicious take on classic autumn treat — caramel apples. Top the "nachos" with mini chocolate chips, chopped nuts, shredded coconut, or another favorite caramel apple topping.

These treats are all quick, easy, and fun to make, especially if the senior has a willing helper at their side.

Seniors Enjoy More Autumn Habits and Activities with Senior Helpers

Going for walks, enjoying nature, doing crafts or puzzles, making food, and socializing are all great ways for a senior to exercise both their body and their brain. With a Senior Helper at their side, elderly people can enjoy all of their favorite autumn habits and activities. They may even pick up a new hobby along the way! Contact us, Senior Helpers Moanalua-Honolulu to schedule an in-home assessment to find out how we can help your elderly loved one enjoy every season in Honolulu, Moanalua, and Fort Shafter.