Here Are 5 Mental and Emotional Benefits of Dogs for Seniors
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Here Are 5 Mental and Emotional Benefits of Dogs for Seniors

Here Are 5 Mental and Emotional Benefits of Dogs for Seniors

In the United States, a little over 38 percent of households own a dog. It seems that dogs are the most popular pet with cats following behind in a little more than 25 percent of homes. Pet ownership brings with it a lot of responsibilities and a host of benefits for its owners in Honolulu, HI. 

You might be caring for a senior loved one and wonder if a new dog is a good choice for them. Learn more about five mental and emotional benefits of dogs for your senior loved one:

Rebuild Their Self-Esteem

Some seniors struggle with self-identity and self-esteem after their grown children move away. This is increased when they retire from the jobs they worked at for most of their adult lives. By caring for a dog and seeing the pup thrive, the senior feels a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. This can help a person over the age of 65 rebuild their self-esteem. 

Encourages Increased Physical Activity

It's easy for a senior to fall into the habit of avoiding physical activity without even realizing it. However, physical activity is essential for a senior's physical health and emotional well-being since it produces endorphins that make a person feel better. Both the dog and the senior enjoy benefits from daily walks in Fort Shafter and having a dog with a lot of energy encourages these daily walks. 

Dogs Create the Need for a Routine

It's easy for seniors to fall into the habit of sleeping, waking, and eating when they want without the need to go to a job daily or to run children to their various activities. This lack of a routine can be problematic for seniors who need to take medications or attend appointments on a regular schedule. Dogs require routines from feeding times to going outside to relieve themselves. A dog creates the need for a routine for seniors who wouldn't otherwise have one. 

Minimizes Loneliness

With the kids moved away and no co-workers to socialize with daily, many seniors face feelings of loneliness and isolation. Experts believe that more than 25 percent of people over the age of 65 experience it.  A new dog brings companionship that can alleviate these feelings. Daily walks and visits to the vet can also help with these feelings.

Reduces Feelings of Stress and Anxiety

While everyone deals with stress and anxiety, it can be more pronounced in seniors who already have medical issues. The addition of a dog in the home has been shown to reduce both stress and anxiety. Dogs help to relieve stress with their companionship, the need for a routine, and the sense of their own self-worth they provide to their senior owners. 

When your senior loved one needs help around the house, taking care of a dog, or remembering to take their medication on time, Senior Helpers in Honolulu, HI can help. Our team provides the extra help in a caring and compassionate manner. Call us today!