Autumn is here. Leaves start to turn, and migrating birds fly south as starlings put on a stunning display as the sun sets. The changing season provides opportunities to engage in new activities and fun ways to celebrate the fall.
Below are some ways seniors in Honolulu and Fort Shafter can prepare their homes for Autumn.
Changing Decoration
The elderly enjoy coloring, painting, and decorating. Helping the elderly develop fall-themed patterns boosts their creativity and breaks boredom. Teach the seniors how to create garlands, decorated pumpkins, or pomander balls for decorations.
Also, change the dull colors of the summer to brighter colors associated with Autumn to create a warm and calm feeling around the home. When improving the lighting, do not go for bright lights that might cause harm to the vision of the seniors. Instead, go for low lights, which are friendly to the eyes of the elderly.
The patterns made by seniors should focus on creating and putting up fun decorations that reflect the change of season to get them in full moods for the fall.
Planting Trees in the Garden
Fall is the best time to plant trees and flowers or improve the general outlook of the garden. Involving the elderly in gardening activities allows them to create beauty and witness the plants grow under their watch. Consider planting tulips, daffodils, or grape hyacinth. These low spring bulbs do well during this period.
Apart from improving the general beauty of the home, gardening also has other benefits for seniors citizens, including
- Providing exercise
- It breaks boredom and reduces stress
- Reduces conditions such as Alzheimer's and dementia
- Improve their well-being
Improve the Home
Donate old furniture, electrical items, clothes, and shoes to charity organizations. Decluttering home items ensures there is enough space where elderly citizens can spend their time during the fall season. Besides selling home furniture and electrical appliances, consider eliminating air leaks that might cause consumption bills to go up during the season.
Outdoor Art
Buy some affordable paints for the elderly and allow them to express their artistic side. Sit next to them and let the seniors tell you their fairy tales as they work on the project. Like gardening and decoration, outdoor art also improves the general outlook of the home.
Involve the elderly in Needlecraft activities such as knitting and stitching. These are some of the most popular activities among the elderly. They enjoy such activities because it requires minimal engagement. The knit and stitched clothes are used for decorations and during the fall seasons.
General House Cleaning
Cleaning windows and shutters removes dirt that might cause seasonal allergies to senior citizens. However, the cleaning process should be done carefully to allow seniors to participate.
Above are some ways senior citizens in Honolulu and Fort Shafter can prepare their homes for Autumn. Working closely with the elderly when the Autumn season is approaching reduces anxiety and makes them feel cared for and loved. If in need of caregivers, contact Senior Helpers Moanalua-Honolulu today.