How Daylight Savings Time Change Affect Our Seniors
A tiny time change can affect the health of our seniors. Daylight saving time shift can impact the well-being of a person, especially the elderly. The change in daylight savings time disrupts the sleep cycle and other routine activities responsible for our seniors' health. We must help our seniors adapt to the new clock settings by adjusting their meal intakes, and sleep and wake schedules. Below are some of the areas adversely affected by the change in daylight savings time.
Sleep Patterns
Interruption of regular sleeping time is the biggest challenge for our seniors. We need to help them maintain their sleeping schedule. They can compensate for shorter nights by spending extra time sleeping during the day. We should also remind them of their snap routines because it is great for adults.
We must also help the elderly to maintain their meal times during the daylight savings time shift. Senior people need to maintain their eating schedule as close as possible. They can do this by taking lighter meals to adapt to new changes. It's also important to monitor their blood sugar level throughout the day and take the necessary steps as directed by the health practitioners.
Medication Times
One challenging task can be taking prescribed medicines and performing other doctor-directed activities at the right time throughout the day. Seniors need our help adjusting their electronic medical reminders to ensure they don't get off schedule.
Driving when you are sleepy is very risky. Our seniors need to avoid driving because the change in daylight savings time always interrupts their sleep and may leave them sleepy and tired throughout the day. Research shows that the rate of fatal accidents increases during daylight savings time. It is good to advise seniors about these changes and ensure they only get behind the wheel when they are fine.
The time change is coming. Let us prepare to make the transition as calm and uneventful for our loved ones. Contact Senior Helpers North Miami & Miami Beach for help and more information on taking care of the seniors.