In all likelihood, you and your parents have spent the holidays together for many years. You probably exchanged presents, laughed, cried, and celebrated together during that time. True, but you accomplished it as a team.
Things are going to be different this year. Unfortunately, one of your parents can't be there for you this holiday season. The holidays will be unique but may also be challenging in ways you don't anticipate.
This article will help you and your surviving parent navigate this holiday season.
Try to Involve your Loved One
Maintaining the same traditions during the holidays may be difficult without Mom or Dad around. Why not establish a new family tradition this holiday season to generate new memories while remembering and honoring your loved one?
You can celebrate the holidays by going to a nice restaurant or hosting your family and some friends at your place. Taking a vacation somewhere new can be just the thing to make this holiday season seem extra memorable.
Allow Friends and Relatives to Help You
Instead of giving up on a beloved holiday custom, you can ask for assistance. With the passing of your loved one, you have probably received offers of help from friends, relatives, and neighbors. Now is the moment to ask for help when you need it. If you don't think you can bring in a live Christmas tree without assistance, ask a friend, family member, or even your loved one to provide a hand.
Allow others to lend a hand around the house and with other festive chores. Loneliness is common throughout the winter months. Accept invites to coffee or supper instead of stoically weathering the season alone. If you're not in the mood for a holiday get-together, maybe you and a close friend could use some quality one-on-one time instead.
Try to Keep in Mind That Your Siblings Have Also Lost a Parent
It's your choice whether or not you are up to celebrating the holidays this year. But your siblings may have a different opinion. Perhaps they feel compelled to perform familiar rituals to honor the deceased parent.
Never forget that losing a parent is traumatic at any age. There is sadness within your sibling group. Find a compromise if your siblings are set on continuing a family tradition, but you aren't feeling it.
Senior Helpers North Miami
Losing a parent over the holidays is never easy, and it will be challenging the first year. To those grieving, I say this: Be kind to yourself, and don't allow anybody to tell you that there is a wrong way to mourn. Follow your gut instincts. It is the most reliable method of getting through these challenging times.
If your elderly surviving parent in Miami, Miami Beach, North Miami Beach, FL, is facing a tough time moving on after the loss of their companion, Senior Helpers North Miami can help. North Miami's Senior Helpers provides a wide variety of home-based care options for seniors.
The goal of Senior Helpers' in-home companion care services is to help your aging loved ones maintain or improve their health and well-being so that they can enjoy life to the fullest. Even though many of our customers value their autonomy, they may need our help after experiencing a loss of a loved one. For immediate assistance, get in touch with Senior Helpers of North Miami.